Released on February, 2009 |
Dynamic nonlinear analysis for three dimensional layered plate |
Engineer's Studio(R) / Basic price 346,500 yen
Three dimensional layered plate model / Optional price 105,000 yen
"Maekawa model" (Layered plate) / Optional price 682,500 yen |
Mission of Engineer's Studio
-To become worth software for the public.
-To help providing high accuracy analysis and safety infrastructure building.
-To provide new techniques to lead business chance. |
The leading function of Engineer's studio(R) - Engineer's Studio(R)-It supports "Maekawa model" which is high-level of concrete
analytic theory in the word.
-It enables to do back-check for existing designed structures by new analysis.
-It is capable to accommodate for various range of construction analysis
such as middling plate, large deformation analysis and so on.
It has new CAD interface such as ribbon control and input navigation, etc. |
Message from developer
We promise that we will continue to focus on Civil engineering filed. We believe that we always have to check that the analysis methods being generally used are whether sufficient or not. It is necessary to improve the quality of analysis by new technique. We expect that our strategy will be good enough so that it can help to build the safety infrastructures and give the wonderful business opportunities. Engineer's Studio is going to release on 27 February 2009. This release can be a big step for our strategy.
UC-win/FRAME(3D) has been innovated a fibre element. It can be a good chance to compare
between ordinary computation method and fibre element. Adding the checking
function to design, UC-win/FRAME(3D) has been upgraded to use for daily
design and analysis.
Engineer's Studio has "Maekawa concrete model" in the middling plate. We have understood that Prof Maekawa's major study is spirit of innovation, so we decided to implement "two dimensional concrete" to our software called UC-win/FRAME(3D) as a solver.
Someone may wonder why we understand "Maekawa model" by ourselves and innovate it into the solver. Why didn't we use the solver was based on the existing research and develop only an interface? We have already known the needs that our users want for analysis tool. Hence we understood "Maekawa model" by ourselves and mount it to UC-win/FRAME(3D)'s solver so that we could provide the full integrated solver and a latest interface to users. In the result, users can access all analysis functions which we provide by using a product.
We developed the solver based on our discussion with Prof Maekawa. We have
realised how proper his advice was and do appreciate it.
The graphical engine of Engineer's Studio has been design as the function such as 3D CAD from the beginning. Thus we could achieve to provide new functions and to refine its performance than UC-win/FRAME(3D). We expect that Engineer's Studio will be a strong tool on your daily work.
We will strongly focus on developing Engineer's Studio and add various kinds of functions. Engineer's Studio has been designed as several different options. We are planning to add new option in the future.
For us, the release of Engineer's Studio means that regarding the grade average of software and the analysis ability, the new age starts. We look forward to that all of our users can be given grater chances of analysis by using Engineer's Studio and it can be used for new construction type.
Avignon Bridge(World Heritage) |

Optional price Items marked with an asterisk (*) are unsupported in the first version.
They will be supported from next version.
1 |
Eigenvalue analysis |
20,000 yen
(21,000 yen tax included) |
2 |
Dynamic analysis |
20,000 yen
(21,000 yen tax included) |
3 |
MPhi element (Nonlinear) |
70,000 yen
(\73,500 yen tax included) |
4 |
Spring element (Nonlinear) |
70,000 yen
(73,500 yen tax included) |
5 |
Fibre element (Nonlinear) |
20,000 yen
(21,000 yen tax included) |
6 |
Geometric nonlinear model |
20,000 yen
(21,000 yen tax included) |
7 |
Japanese specification / supporting bar element / live load analysis * |
20,000 yen
(21,000 yen tax included) |
8 |
Dynamic nonlinear analysis for three dimensional layered plate (Nonlinear) |
100,000 yen
(105,000 yen tax included) |
9 |
Maekawa concrete model (layered plate) |
650,000 yen
(682,500 yen tax included) |
10 |
Design checking: ES Section 3D (Japanese specification option)* |
120,000 yen
(126,000 yen tax included) |
11 |
Design checking: JSCE Stress computation of Steel section* |
30,000 yen
(31,500 yen tax included) |
12 |
Design checking: Specification for highway bridges
(the average of three waves, residual displacement)* |
30,000 yen
(31,500 yen tax included) |
We have special price for education version and users who have UC-win/FRAME(3D)
Advance. For more information, please contact us. |
(Up & Coming 2009 early spring issue) |

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