
Discussion of image from model creation to how to make an presentation
Virtual Design World Cup, Workshop Vol.2 and 3

All workshops of Virtual Design World Cup were completed on July 22, 2011. The students were influenced by the ideas of other members and the advice from the instructor, Mr. Hiroo Kasagi (NPO Chiiki zukuri kobo), and they started on the model creation.
In this issue, the workshop vol.2 (June 27) and vol.3 (July 22) are reported. In addition, we will introduce the sample model of shibuya and the pedestrian deck.
Mr. Hiroo Kasagi, NPO Chiiki zukuri kobo
Instructor of three workshops

The detailed workshop report is introduced in the special site
The activity of students can be viewed on Youtube!
>> The 1st workshop report >> The 2nd workshop report >> The 3rd workshop report

Workshop Vol.2: Discussion of image and creation of proposal

Concept of city development

In this workshop vol.2, there were 6 participants. In his greeting, Mr. Kasagi sent a message to the students on the purpose of this workshop by encouraging them to give an inspiration of creation to other participants through web cloud service, to develop their idea, and to share their information using web service.

Then, the teams were organized and team members introduced themselves. Six students from two universities were randomly put into two teams. They shared the image of Shibuya while reviewing the previous workshop.
"This time, you will make a proposal of the assumed pedestrian deck. Through this process, you will discuss the meaning of city design and how to make a presentation."(Mr. Kasagi)

Before starting the discussion and research for the image of pedestrian deck, Mr. Kasagi briefly gave a tutorial on "Concept of development" and the meaning of workshop.

"The city development consists of three parts; 1st stage, 2nd stage, and 3rd stage. If we progress through these three stages, the feedback from each step will result in a good design. The process of feedback is really important for the city development."(Mr. Kasagi) In addition, he advised to use UC-win/Road and VR-Cloud (TM) to conduct a discussion of what image of shibuya they would create? Questions like, "How to create based on the image?" "What is the purpose and what kind of deck one should create based on the field study?" were discussed.

Figure1 "Concept of city development" and the meaning of workshop by Mr. Kasagi

Consideration of image by Team A
The students started to discuss on where they settle the pedestrian deck while checking the list of model parts. "In Shibuya, as the scramble crossing (West side) is dangerous, we need to solve this issue." "As the backside (East exit) looks bare and the pedestrian deck is a little old, we need to create something to be a new symbol" It seemed that there were many opinions on the settled place.Mr. Kasagi advised the students based on their opinions saying "What type of image do you want to portray of Shibuya? For example, whether people are passing just passing by or gathering, if you identify the purpose as to what kind of function you want the pedestrian deck to have, you come up with a place to settle the deck."
Finally, Team A selected the bus terminal on the east exit where Hikarie is situated by arranging the parts. They made a discussion by arranging the parts on the deck and checking the image with consideration of the advice from Mr.Kasagi "It is important to fix the concept".Team A, proceeding the discussion with the paper on which they itemized the concepts. They prepared for the presentation based on it.

A: "Universal" Team

Concept "Universal design of new landmark where people gather"
  1. Creation of new symbol of Shibuya city
  2. Improvement of the accessibility to Omotesando and Aoyama direction
  3. Universal design

1:Presentation based on three concepts 2:Overview image, the improvement of the accessibility to Omotesando and Aoyama direction
3: The taxi stands and bus station can be free of barriers by setting up an elevator. Besides, covered roof will keep people out of the rain.
4:The deck will be more effective to construct as the commercial facility which has the convenience store and other shops with a large area across the station terminal. In addition, the deck can be used to ease congestion on the scramble crossing as the new meeting spot as an alternative to Hachi-ko by settling the fountain.

Consideration of image by Team B

The student who joined the previous workshop commented that "The front side of scramble crossing and the backside on the east exit contrast with each other remarkably in terms of people's flow and landscape." They made an discussion which side they should arrange the deck on.
"The backside where Hikarie was under construction is not too barren but it is in need of decoration. I am wondering how the bus terminal here will become in the future."On the other hand, the students commented on the scramble crossing that contrasted with the backside saying "It situation can remain as it is". Finally, the opinions were summarized to the east exit.

In this way, both Team A and B selected the same place. After this decision, they started to study what kind of deck they want to create while checking the parts list.
"Shibuya has the image of the newest. I want to make it a new symbol as the replacement for the scramble crossing." "How about making the passage made of glass by connecting with Hikarie."
After the concrete image was fixed, they planned the shape of "8" by connecting the two circular parts. With consideration of the opinion in the previous field work, "It causes the interruption of flow and lighting due to the covering on the bus terminal.", they selected the parts which has holes in the center of its circular shape.

B: "Shibuya 8" Team

Concept "New symbol SHIBUYA"8"(Hachiko)"
Creation of future with "Outgoing of the culture in near future" by symbolized by Hikarie and the concept of "SHIBUYA 8" which will be an alternative symbol to Hachiko as the waiting spot. 

1:Presentation with the motif of "8" from Hachiko 2: Figure 8 can be an alternative symbol of Hachi-ko (Hachi in Japanese means eight) on the scramble crossing side.
3: The holes of figure 8 will provide the solution for a sense of limitation and the convection flow of air under the deck. 4: As the theater is built in Hikarie, it can be used for the waiting spot after /before the performance

During the 10 minutes of break, they referred to the planning by another team and realized they all chose the same settlement place (Figure2). After that, they were stimulated by the plan of another team, and each team made a discussion even though it was still break time. Therefore, the discussion time was extended.

Figure2 Both teams selected the same place, above the bus terminal on the east exit.

Presentation with VR-Cloud(TM)

After finishing one and a half-hour of the discussion and study, the idea of planning was updated on VR cloud, and they made a presentation on the image and concept of pedestrian deck while operating VR-Cloud(TM). There were a lot of questions and answers on the idea of planning.

Team A made a presentation on how they dealt with the three concepts, (1) Creation of nes symbol of Shibuya city (2) Improvement of the accessibility (3) Universal design. Mr. Kasagi evaluated as the easy-to-understand presentation.B team planned a figure-eight deck which allows the direct connection to Hikarie above the bus terminal on East exit, and named their team as "Shibuya Eight".

After both presentations, Mr. Kasagi mentioned "If the same place is selected, the results will be different. I think the other participants are inspired by this idea. It is very important for the city development to discuss with many different opinions and ideas."
In addition, Mr. Kasagi explained the meaning of the theme of this competition, "Deck" in the city development, with the concept of "Commons". It helps the students understand the theme of this competition.Finally, we wrapped up the workshop by saying "We will publicize the reports on the website, write up the contents of our discussion on VR space, and release the data based on today's work on the website in order to share our information with those who weren't in the workshop in hope of increasing the level of the workshop" with a sense of prospect and connection to the 3rd workshop.

Workshop Vol.3: Examining how to show

Share the concept of the work in the group

The workshop vol.3 was the final one. As the purpose and content of workshop in this time, the last group division and the data created by each were took over and used as the base, and "how each person is conscious for how to show the work.. (=Visualization work is conducted.)". Team A consisted of 4 students, and Team B consisted of three students (3 joined the previous workshop).
Mr. Kasagi explained that as examining how to express, it is required to be shared for the concept of a work and the intention within a group as the foundation. The last data was booted in each team. In A team to which one member was added, "Intentional sharing" work was done, whereas in B team which consisted of the same members as last time, the "intentional reconfirmation" work by review was conducted.
"In examination of the way to show, it's not enough to just try to show your own purpose. So called "possession capability" ,which means to think from the point of view of stakeholders or the other people, is needed.", Mr. Kasagi explained. He advised the participant to advance their plan by recreating various points, such as a user of a commuter bus, a child's viewpoint, and walking speed. "By containing the viewpoint of stakeholders ,which falls out from the your intention into the presentation, your persuasive power goes up. Let's tackle how to show not only the beauty of formative but your own way of expression."

"Examining how to show" for each team

First of all, the member of A team examined the viewpoint.
Moreover, the member who newly joined pointed out the issue to be discussed, that did not come out last time. Although it is the plan advocating "Universal Design", the various opinions were considered from the view of various train line's users, such as "Is the access to the deck only available for the elevator from the ground and the direct access from Ginza Line? In case of this plan, we wonder if the previous way to change train was better. In addition, it was opined that "If we change another lines by using this deck, people might gather more." Thus it seemed that a first participating member's opinion had given the fresh viewpoint to discussion of the group. On the other hand, Mr.Kasagi advised as follows.
"Is this deck just a flow line , or have another role? The story would greatly change depending on it. Moreover, direct connection between Hikarie and the deck is OK, but if the deck is regarded as a flow
line when going away to a town, the meaning would change. "

Examination of effective style of presentation and communication
The concept of the deck of A team is clarified as "It is treated as not only mere deck, but commercial establishment like as shown by the presentation at the time of the 2nd workshop. Therefore the opinion that it would be most effective to take the way to show fountain and objection, convenience store, etc one by one under the flight route based on view point which moves by walk in deck space rather than showing the panoramic view at the presentation.
In addition, Mr. Kasagi advised "It would be interesting if we can explain the originality of the decks shape by not only design side, but function side.,B team discussed the inquiring point for the way to show, in response to Mr. Kasagi's comment. The main concept was written on paper and discussed the
viewpoint to inform it easily and the setting of flight route.As the result, the concept was aggregated into the future creation as concept of "SHIBUYA "8"" which is the concept "dispatch of near future culture" that Hikarie linked directly symbolizes, and the open symbol taking over Hachi dog for the waiting place.

They started to show the image of Hikarie = near future.They showed "Hachiko", the original idea of the symbol, and they created the bright and open space with daylight to make it look attractive.

Creation of consensus using VR-Cloud

After considering how to show the presentation, the script was set. After that, the data of each team was unloaded to the server to make a presentation with VR-Cloud(TM). The students used the discussion function of VR-Cloud(TM) to write the comment in the part which becomes the landscape point in the script.

Vol.3: Presentation with script
Team A (Team "Universal")

"Examination how to show" 1: Start by showing the overview 2:"Universal design" that allows access from bus terminal via elevator
3:The view point moved to the
interior part of the deck.
4:By flying through every part of the deck from pedestrian's view point, and they showed the concept that the deck is not only the place where people pass through, but also where people gather.

B team (Team "Shibuya 8")

"Examination how to show" 1:Started to show the image of Hikarie = near future. 2:Showed "Hachiko", the original idea of the symbol.
3:Checked the shape of direct connection to Hikarie from panoramic view 4:Created the bright and open space with daylight to make it look attractive

Mr. Kasagi reviewed the presentation of each team.
"The participants may now know that UC-win/Road is a tool with great flexibility. In a way, this flexibility can be a challenge for you. If you want to use various functions, you will not focus on what you really want to show. Therefore, the concept, in other words, the simplicity will be the most important point. ." (Mr. Kasagi)
In addition, he said "A group has many ideas, but if you use all of them, the works will become too long". And then, he advised "It will be clearer if you emphasize the feature of each work based on the focused point." Finally, Mr. Kasagi mentioned on how to show in the project of city development as an advice for the students, and closed the final workshop. "The image of city is made up by assuming how each project works in the entire project. When the assumption becomes clearer, the image of the city will have increased realism. Then, the deep discussion and study of the concept is the most important thing, which will win greater persuasive force."

For the detailed information of Virtual Design World Cup, please see here.

The model used in Virtual Design World Cup workshop is posted on VR-Cloud(TM)!

Experience shibuya model for VDWC workshop VR-Cloud(TM)
"Nakameguro model" "Nihomdaira parkway model (hi-vision version)" are available in VR-Cloud(TM) product page

VR-Cloud (TM) is a consensus building solution which uses 3D and VR on a cloud server. With only Internet access environment, even thin client would be able to operate the VR space by web browser.

Shibuya sample models for Virtual Design World Cup

All participants of this student BIM contest can use the rental service of the objective software for the specific period without charge, and download service of these sample models.

[Rental period]: Until November 30, 2011(The rental period and available functions may change based on the product.)

Virtual Reality/VR Simulation
UC-win/Road Required software

This sample model represents the geographical data, road, and buildings in 3D VR. The space can be freely simulated with mouse operation. It can allow the study of planning and design by simulating a variety of scenes including traffic vehicle, human, traffic control, and sunshine condition. With data links from Allplan, the entire landscape, surrounding environment, and road can be studied. The analysis result can be visualized by linking with each type of analysis software such as traffic stream, crowd analysis, and flood analysis.

3D Civil Engineering and Architecture CAD for BIM
Allplan Required software

In this sample model, the designs of structures created by UC-1 series "Bridge Pier Design" and "Abutment Design" in Allplan format or IFC format were imported to Allplan, and the skeleton and reinforcement were represented and edited directly in 3D environment. With these edited bar arrangement, 2D bar arrangement (Plan view and section view), rebar bending schedule, and BOM(bills of materials) can be generated. The created architecture and civil structures in 3DS format can be imported to UC-win/Road. This sample model represents the pedestrian deck from Hachiko exit to Shibuto cine tower.

Large scale, Multi VR

VR-Studio(R) supports for the large-scaled project including a wide range of geographical data, and it allows the creation of VR data and traffic network of a large-scaled city having an area of 100km or more.

3D plate dynamic non-linear analysis
Engineer's Studio(R)

Engineer's Studio(R) is the 3D Finite Element FEM analysis program developed in-house from pre-processing, calculation engine, to post-processing. The parts of structure can be modeled with plate elements and the non-linear behavior of structure can be analyzed. This sample model was created by modeling the floor plate of deck with plate elements.

3D frame static and dynamic non-linear analysis

FRAME(3D) allows the geometrical non-linear/material non-linear analysis with static and dynamic load. The advanced interface supports for general-purpose linear analysis and elastic analysis. This sample model is available for the study of the number of columns and the prediction of dynamic response when the earthquake occurs.

Civil design CAD
UC-1 for SaaS

UC-1 for SaaS is a cloud service for civil design software such as UC-1 Series, RC section, FRAME 2D, Engineer's Studio(R) and clerical work software for civil design. These products support the total works from design calculation of bridge pier with reinforced concrete, inverted T-section abutment, and gravity-type abutment to creation of drawings. This sample model allows the verification of static bearing force using "UC-1 Bridge Pier Design".

3D static/dynamic analysis of architectural structures

This software allows the creation and effective analysis of a various types of complex structure including large scale structure and tall building. This sample model allows the analysis with complex shape by giving the wind to the roof of corridor as area distributed load.

Building energy simulation

The simulation of environmental related issue of the building under construction such as light, temperature, and CO2 discharge is possible. It is useful for energy saving design.This sample model allows the study of temperature rise in a bus which is stopping under the pedestrian deck.

Planning of traffic light and intersection/Traffic stream analysis

The software for optimization of traffic signal and traffic signal control in traffic network. The flow of signal phase and queue length of congestion can be simulated. This sample model allows the analysis of the intersection in front of Shibuya station.

Flood analysis system (Design of sewage network, flood analysis)

It is useful in creating a water storage reservoir underground above pedestrian deck and analyzing the flood of Shibuya river. This sample model allows the study of water's flow to the storage reservoir which is planned to be constructed under the bus terminal.

Provided service
EXODUS/SMARTFIRE evacuation analysis support service

Not only can it model evacuation flow, it can also simulate the flow and behavior of people in an emergency and in non-emergency situation. This sample model allows the analysis of evacuation from Shibuya station to a safe and wide area.

Wind and heat fluid analysis/simulation supercomputing service

This service supports the analysis and simulation of the flow of complex fluid with supercomputer. This sample model allows the wind analysis with/without the pedestrian deck.

(Up&Coming 2011 Fall Issue)



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