FORUM8 Product Showroom in Tokyo Head Office February 4th, 2010)
Now you can experience our 3D Stereo Driving Simulator with large 3 channel
screen at our Tokyo Head Office in Nakameguro GT Tower
>> MAP
3D Stereo Driving Simulator with 3ch large screen |
3D Stereo AR/MR System 3D-Bvision |
- 3D Stereo MR (Mixed Reality) System
Enjoy 3D stereo image without using 3D glasses ? the image is projected
onto a special screen.
- 3D Stereo AR (augmented reality) System
2-LCD half mirror 3D display: You can experience high resolution 3D image
on the display without diminished performance of the LCD
6 DOF Motion UC-win/Road Experience Simulator |
- The driving simulator hardware made by Subaru Customize Kobo is equipped
with patented electric 6 axis motion unit. It is able to achieve realistic
driving experience by utilizing real components from real vehicles. You
can immerse yourself in UC-Win/Road data with realistic driving experience
at the showroom.
>> UC-win/Road ExperienceSimulator product information
3DOF Motion UC-win/Road Driving Simulator
1PC-6ch Driving Simulator |
UC-win/Road for EXODUS on Vertical LCD |
- Demonstration of fire evacuation analysis simulation of Nakameguro GT Tower
on 46 inch vertical screen. VR data and human models in UC-win/Road is
linked to the results from Evacuation simulation from EXODUS
UC-win/Road for EXODUS product information
VR-Studio(R) demonstration |
- VR-Studio(R) can be used for large projects with numerous terrain patches.
It has renewed CAD style user interface, multi-user editing capabilities,
improved performance for multi-thread data creation, revised section functions
and many more new features can be explored on a data created on VR-Studio(R).
- >> VR-Studio(R) product information