FORUM8 has been expanding UC-win/Road Support (VR data service) for home and abroad. We introduce Web Estimate Service English version
which have launched since March 12.
œUC-win/Road Web Estimate Service
This service allows you to estimate VR data, 3D model, and texture creating
on web.
Estimate is based on road extension, complexity of model structure, the
number of model/texture, accuracy level and various conditions.
Estimate examples of several projects are available, which can be used
for estimation, by simple entry of conditions and ordered.
In addition to Japanese page, this service has been started on English
This service for oversea is announced only on English page and this service
is only applied to the following area: North America, Europe, Oceania,
Asia (Korea, Singapore)
Web Estimate page for EnglishF
Web Estimate page for JapaneseF
As Web Estimate Service English version started, UC-win /Road Support System
have become more accesable.We hope that you will make use of these facilities
as this occasion arises.
œUC-win/Road DB
FORUM8 has been creating worlds' traffic signs to enrich Road DB for oversea
in sequence.
Now eight countries traffic signs are available: Korea, China, U.S.A, New
Zealand, France, Malaysia, UK, and Thailand.
A major upgrade is scheduled to be able to use over 20 countries traffic
signs in near future, and traffic model (traffic signals) is also scheduled.
Now that UC-win/Road is used over the world, we work on energetically to
enrich traffic signs DB.
"Wanted UC-win/Road DB request"
FORUM8 is accepting target models and textures to be prepared.from home
and abroad.
Contact to the following.
Please attach data for the sake of clearly.
Models and textures created by FORUM8 copyright to FORUM8 to open to the
Contact to:

£Oversea traffic sign
DB example (Thailand) |
Road DB Preparation Schedule |
Coming soon
Poland/Austraria/Thai/Portugal/Finland |
Underway |
Sweeden/Swiss/Brazil/Spain/Columbia/Iceland/Austria/Lebanon/Italy/Phlippines |
Sheduled to add |
China/U.S.A/New Zealand/France/Malaysia/U.K |
œPaid Seminar |
UC-win/Road VR seminar UC-win/Road Advanced VR seminar |
œExperience Seminar |
UC-win/Road Expert Training seminar UC-win/Road for Civil3D Experience seminar |
œUC-win/Road exhibition Event schedule /Conference (May -June) |
International Safer Roads Conference 2008 ITS Canada ACGM2008 Tokyo International Fire and Safety Exhibition 2008 |