For the last five years, as the Mechanical Simulation Corporation (MSC)
Agent/Re-Seller for SE Asia, SAH Corp (SAH) has been receiving inquiries
about Driving Simulators from this region. Last year, they decided to investigate
what would be required to develop and sell a system for Driver Training.
After talking to a number of firms in this business, they chose FORUM8
as being the one most prepared to jointly develop a customized system.
What really impressed SAH about FORUM8's approach to this application was
that FORUM8 developed and sold UC-win/Road so that customers could make
their own modifications. Also, they were treating the console, built around
a real car interior, and motion platform as standard items, meaning that
it eliminated the integration fees and long development and delivery times
with custom designed systems. SAH's contribution was to add data sets for
MSC vehicle dynamics models, CarSim and TruckSim, to the FORUM8's standard
software and hardware and sell the system as a Driver Trainer. FORUM8 has
opened the market with their standard hardware and software, MSC has added
the ideal vehicle models, and now the work of following up each inquiry,
along with its attendant customizations, has started for me in SE Asia.
With the new partnership between SAH and FORUM8, we believe that the coupling
of two world-leading solutions will prove to be extremely beneficial to
the users.
Mr. Steve Hann, SAH Corp. (Left) and Mr. Liew Young Seong, our singapore
dealer, Advance Contech Singapore(Right) |