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UC-win/Road Ver.14
3D Real-time VR Software Package

●Release date
Ultimate:USD19,200 Driving Sim:USD12,800
Advanced:USD9,700 Standard:6,300
May 2019

In UC-win/Road Ver.14, the simulation functions and cooperativeness have been improved. In this topic, we will explain the main function enhancements.
 Creation of 360-degree video
UC-win/Road can now export a 360-degree video. VR simulation videos created as 3D video can be displayed on VR Head Mounted Display and be published in VR video format (Fig.1).
 Shader Customization
Users can now customize the UC-win/Road rendering processing. Pixel colors can be changed according to object properties rendered in video. This pixel color processing is able to be freely customized by using OpenGL shader language GLSL. For example, it can be used for the space analysis function by object segmentation, the deep learning training, and the test data creation (Fig.2).

画像をクリックすると大きな画像が表示されます。 画像をクリックすると大きな画像が表示されます。
Fig.1 360 degree video file Fig.2 Segmentation
 Linkage with VISSIM
In UC-win/Road, users can use Micro Simulation Player to import animation files (*ani.txt) made by the PTV's VISSIM that is a traffic analysis tool and to visualize traffic analysis results. This time we have implemented a new function that transmits and compute realtime vehicle data to VISSIM and reflects the data and the calculation result of surrounding vehicles to UC-win/Road. The status of driving vehicle can be reflected to VISSIM in real-time and 3D calculation results can be visualized with more reality.
The functions above are provided by not the simulation player but another plug-in. VISSIM Ver.11 or newer version is supported.

Cooperation elements
The API provided by VISSIM helps to connect to and cut from VISSIM, transmit data, and obtain calculation result.
The following contents can be linked:
- Driving vehicle (location, speed)
- Surrounding vehicle (location, speed)
- Traffic light

Simulation flow
When a simulation is started after associating vehicles and traffic lights in both of UC-win/Road and VISSIM, UC-win/Road transmits the vehicle data to VISSIM, and VISSIM sends the calculation result to UC-win/Road.

Fig.3 Simulation cooperation Fig.4 Post process reflects the vehicle suspension
(Up&Coming '19 Spring issue)