Move arranged models
To move objects such as arranged models and trees, click it and then drag
it while holding the following keys. By fine-adjusting coordinate of objects
after roughly adjusting its position with this function, you can quickly
place objects at the accurate position.
- Ctrl + drag: Horizontal movement. Move models along the ground surface
while keeping the height from it.
- Alt + drag: Vertical movement
- Ctrl + Shift + drag: Rotation
- Copy and delete arranged model
When you click existing objects while pressing the Ctrl key, a frame in
red, which normally is in yellow, will appear around it, and you can select
multiple objects at the same time. If you right click and select "Duplicate
Objects", the selected objects will be duplicated at the position
you click. To clear your selections, press the space bar. Also, objects
in the red frame can be deleted at once if you select "Delete Selected
Objects" from the right click menu (also possible to delete models
only or trees only).
Direct arrangement of roadside objects
To place 3D models as a roadside model, select a model and click on the
road while holding Ctrl, Alt, and Shift. It takes much less time than the
way to set the object position in the roadside model editor.
Editing terrain
You can select a wide range of terrain at diagonal when you click ground
and then click other ground while pressing Shift key. From "Adjust
Terrain Height" in the right click menu, you can shift the elevation
in the selected area relatively or absolutely. In addition, triangle mesh
can be added and deleted by clicking the terrain while holding Ctrl key.
To clear the selection of terrain, click the space bar. |