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Earthquake Simulation Service
Earthquake Damage Simulation Data Production Service in UC-win/Road

●Price  Quotation Required. ●Released September 28, 2015
Support / Service
This service is aimed at visualizing the potential damage under an interior setting when an earthquake strikes, inside UC-win/Road. By inputing the velocity and acceleration to replicate the earthquake vibration, and assigning movement criteria to the placed models, we can simulate and picture how furnitures may fall or become damaged due to seismic activities.
 How Earthquake Simulation Works
We assign velocity and acceleration onto a base model to cause it to vibrate to simulate earthquake, and make the motion affect models placed on this base model. Individual models can be assigned with parameters such as weight, centre of gravity, friction, and recoil to recreate a possible earthquake scenario. The models contain collision boxes so they will bounce off upon bumping onto each other, as well as falling on top of each other and fall off from a certain object. Objects can also be assigned with hinges or skeletons so objects with more comlpicated movements, such as chandelier, doors, or windows, can have realistic motions to better replicate a sense of presence.

■Fig 1 Objects falling due to earthquake
■Fig 2 Interior lights shake by assigning animated joints and skeletons
 Example Cases
FORUM8 Tokyo HQ Showroom
We performed a simulation of this new service on our own Tokyo Office. The driving simulators, bookshelves, vending machines, and chairs are placed as they were in the office. As earthquake comes, tall objects start falling and simulator monitors becoming detached. 

Meeting Room
This is a simulation of a certain generic office with some cabinets and monitors. Those that are not tied or stabilized would fall according to the parameters. Since this is a small room, objects fall on top of each other.

■Fig 3 Case: FORUM8 Tokyo Showroom ■Fig 4 Case: Meeting Room

Living Room
A simulation case of a typical Japanese living room. The TV and the bookshelf topples over while books fall off of the shelf. Numerous small objects become scattered around the floor.

■Fig 5 Case: Living Room
 Additional Information
This service is not limited to the visualizing of earthquakes. Another goal of this service is to provide with customers a way of analyzing the damage risks of furniture layouts when earthquake arrives. This is also suited for business continuity planning and business continuity management systems.
(Up&Coming '15 Fall Edition)