The program focused on financial technology, digital transformation, and AI.
First, Mr. Keiji Yano, Associate Director of MIT ILP, gave Welcome Remarks,
and Mr. John Roberts, Director of MIT, introduced MIT's innovation ecosystem.
Then it moved to the speaker session. Participating company FORUM8 also speaks
In addition, following each session, Yuji Ito, President of FORUM8, spoke as a participating company
and introduced our latest 3DVR simulation technology and examples of industrial applications.
At the same time, a booth was set up at the reception, and Automatic Steering VR Simulator with Torque Control
was exhibited, and visitors from Japan and abroad experienced it.
"The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and the
Future of Everything"
Mr. Michael Casey
Senior Advisor, MIT Media Lab.
He specializes in the field of digital currencies and bitcoin, deciphering the history of credit-based value exchange, beginning with the 5000-year-old ledger taking a huge leap forward with the advent of Renaissance banks. Explains that value exchange, which was originally a face-to-face exchange, has evolved as a form of mediating the role of trust beyond the constraints of places. Taking the Financial Crisis in 2008 as an example, he stated that the cost of credit has become astronomical in modern times. To address these challenges, we showcase the use of blockchain technology and point out the possibility of making data, assets, and personal identities controllable.
"Industry Talk: Current and Future Digital Business in JR East"
Mr. Masaki Ogata
Vice Chairman, East Japan Railway Company
This section describes the development of Suica, the most widely used electronic money system for transportation in Japan, which started with a collaboration with MIT. He explained that it is a multi-business model that covers all transportation infrastructure systems and user life scenes, and is a 24-hour micropayment micropayment.
"AI Driven Decisions Within Clicks"
Dr. Devavrat Shah
Prof. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT Dep. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
He specializes in the field of data science, collecting all kinds of data, including financial transaction data for compliance, customer data for improving services, HR and organizational data for improving efficiency, and product data for improving quality. Explains how to utilize. Using a universally accessible Excel, he introduced a new approach to perform data engineering, forecasting and data cleaning with just a click and make better decisions faster.
"Operationalizing AI"
Mr. Nick Meyer
Chief Product Officer, Relativity6
Entrepreneur-in-Residence and Lecturer, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
Lecturer and Chief Officer of MIT Entrepreneurship Program
Emphasizing the importance of predicting customer behavior and scaling it up across the organization for a company to succeed with AI technology. Even if the AI itself grows, no change will occur unless the people at the forefront of the organization can make good use of this in forecasting. Explained how to take advantage of the machine learning platform Relativity6.