Grand Prix and Other Prizes of VDWC and CPWC Decided Report of Award-giving
Ceremony and the Sixth International VR Symposium
Chief of executive
Prof. Yasushi Ikeda (Professor of Graduate
School of Media and
Governance, Keio University
/ Representative of IKDS) |
Mr. Yoshihisa Hanamur (Director of NPO Civil
Machizukuri Station) / Vicechairperson
of Liaison Council of Construction NPOs) |
Prof. Hiromichi Yoshikawa
(Professor of Disaster
Prevention Engineering, Urban
and Civil Engineering, Faculty
of Engineering, Tokyo City
University) |
Prof. Kostas Terzidis (Associate Professor,
Harvard University, USA) |
Prof. David Tseng (National Chiao Tung University,
Taiwan / Representative of
CitiCraft architectural office) |
Prof. Kazuhiro Kojima
(Coelacanth And Associates / Professor of Yokohama Graduate School of Architecture
(Y-GSA), Yokohama National University) |
Head of judges of executive committee:
Prof. Tomohiro Fukuda
(Associate Professor from the Graduate School of Engineering Osaka University) |
Mr. Hiroyuki Hakura
(Delegate of "the Forum for Advancement of Stereoscopic Three Dimensional
Image Technology and Arts" / Designated Professor of Digital Hollywood
University, Graduate School) |
Prof. Taro Narahara (Associate professor from
the College of Architectural
Design, New Jersey Institute
of Technology) |
Pencreach Yoann
Technical Manager of FORUM8 VR development |
Diverse Proposals on BIM/CIM and VR: New Trends |
FORUM8 held presentation and the award-giving ceremony of " the 3rd
Vir tual Design World Cup ( VDWC)" and " the 1st Cloud Programming
World Cup (CPWC) along with "the 6th International VR Symposium"
on November 21, 2013, at Meguro Gajoen.
Among them, "VDWC" is an international competition for students
to design architecture and cities using BIM/CIM and VR. Students perform
planning, design, and simulation according to the theme. An applicant was
to submit a final work that includes "VR data" with script set
up, "created data" created using FORUM8 software, and a "concept
poster". Being the third time, VDWC set up its theme as follows: to
propose "Sustainable Station Front in Global Metropolis", with
a new station along the Yamanote Line as the center of transportation nodes
in Tokyo's harbor district.
Another competition , "CPWC" is for par ticipants to compete
programming techniques for cloud applications by developing software that
can run on VR-Cloud® using UC-win/Road, UC-win/Road SDK (Software Development
Kit), VR-Cloud®, VR-Cloud® SDK, and SDK of "a3S": an original
transmittal technology for VR-Cloud®. This contest was held for the first
time as a new international competition for students.
In addition, "International VR Symposium", which was held after
an interval of 2 years, was organized by special lectures of 4 lecturers
invited from inside and outside Japan and presentations on 2 FORUM8 products.
HULAN from Nihon University and Red from Shibaura Institute of Technology
Share World Cup Prize of the 3rd VDWC |
Following the opening remarks (by Yuji Ito, President of FORUM8), the morning
part started with the public final judgment of VDWC. First, Prof. Yasushi
Ikeda (Professor of Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University
/ Representative of IKDS), Chief of executive committee of VDWC and other
judges were introduced including: Mr. Yoshihisa Hanamura (Director of NPO
Civil Machizukuri Station) / Vice - chairperson of Liaison Council of Construction
NPOs); Prof. Hiromichi Yoshikawa (Professor of Disaster Prevention Engineering,
Urban and Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo City University);
Prof. Kostas Terzidis (Associate Professor, Harvard University, USA); Prof.
David Tseng (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan / Representative of
CitiCraft architectural office); and Prof. Kazuhiro Kojima (Coelacanth
And Associates / Professor of Yokohama Graduate School of Archi te cture
( Y- GSA), Yokohama Nat ional University). Next, Chief of executive committee
Mr. Ikeda summarized points of the theme of VDWC, process of selecting
7 nominated works including the judging procedure using cloud services,
tendency of the works as a whole, and so on. Then each team gave a presentation
about the nominated work. After discussion on the spot, judges cast the
final vote.
The World Cup Prize of the 1st CPWC Won by KU-ITS from Kyoto University |
Next, moving to the public final judgment of CPWC, Head of judges of executive
committee Prof. Tomohiro Fukuda (Associate Professor from the Graduate
School of Engineering Osaka University) and other judges were introduced,
including: Mr. Hiroyuki Hakura (Delegate of "the Forum for Advancement
of Stereoscopic Three Dimensional Image Technology and Arts" / Designated
Professor of Digital Hollywood University, Graduate School), Prof. Taro
Narahara (Associate professor from the College of Architectural Design,
New Jersey Institute of Technology) taking part on videotelephone, and
Yoann Pencreach (Chief Manager of VR development group, FORUM8). Prof.
Fukuda, Head of judges of executive committee summarized the overview and
aim of CPWC that had just started, judging points, judging process and
the process of nominating all entries (6 works). Then individual teams
made presentations, followed by discussion and final voting.
The morning par t was concluded by FORUM8 staf f member giving a presentation "3DCAD Studio(R)" as an opening speech for "International VR Symposium". He summarized CAD solutions of FORUM8, ways of using 3D data and problems, and Kaiser project. He made brief description of "3DCAD Studio(R)", our new product that implements 3D CAD engine produced by the project, its future development schedule, and enhancement of solutions.
The first par t of the afternoon star ted with a special lecture "Utilization
of VR in studying mobile ubiquitous computing" by Prof. Teruo Higashino,
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University.
He stated about the latest trends of ICT including a ubiquitous world,
big data, CPS (Cyber Physical systems) and making it smart, the flow from
collection of a large amount of sensing information to analysis and utilization.
Then as the attempt in his lab about urban IT foundation and disaster assistance,
he mentioned development of an electronical t r iage sys tem, creat ion
of V R of Osaka underground streets, generation of disaster site maps,
urban simulation, development of MobiREAL, generation of mobility during
disasters and use of VR technology, crowd sensing, etc. He further developed
his speech into his future study and possibilities of using VR.
Next special lecture was "VR technology and support for" town
planning design" given by Dr. Zhen-jiang Shen, Professor of Environmental
design, College of Science and Technology, Kanazawa University. Based on
his experiences in urban planning or community planning of a lo cal gover
nment , he t alke d ab ou t approach to supporting plans of urban design
and VR utilization from the following perspectives: "Presentation
for planning and design", "Planning learning", "Planning
& design proposal", "Deliberation and planning review",
and " Future work and cloud-computing". He presented different
cases of public involvement he had worked on.
Prof. Teruo Higashino |
Prof. Zhen-jiang Shen |
Af ter the break , the second par t of the af ternoon star ted wit h Professor
Edwin R .Galea, Director of Fire Safety Engineering Group (FSEG), Greenwich
University, giving special lecture "Engineering safety, security,
and efficiency through simulation of fire and evacuation". He summarized
his work on modeling of safety and security in FSEG, development of software
programs there such as "EXODUS" (evacuation simulation) and "SMARTFIRE",
(fire simulation), data collection, and examples of simulation he had made
so far using them. Then he mentioned the features of the newly released
"buildingEXODUS V6.0" and its simulation examples, latest studies
on evacuation and large-scale disasters, and the features of also newlyreleased
Prof. Edwin R.Galea |
On the other hand, FORUM8 staff member made a presentation on "UC-win/Road
Ver.10 VR-Cloud® Ver.6". He introduced new functions of the latest
version of UC-win/Road and VR-Cloud®, enhanced functions and new functions
under development, and their future development. He also mentioned originally
developed "cloud transmission library a3s" used as a data transmission
technology for VR-Cloud®.
Next, the award-giving ceremony of "VDWC" and "CPWC"
was held with announcement of winning works with an emcee of Mr. Yuji Abe,
a TV reporter. The results are stated later.
Chief of the executive commit tee, Mr. Ikeda stated about the challenge of this competition theme and its intention as well as the essence of BIM. Based on these, he expressed evaluation on the efforts of the students and expectation for the future.
Regarding CPWC, Head of judges of executive committee Prof. Fukuda mentioned
the significance of entries by students after trial and error with no precedent.
He further evaluated that all entry works passed the 1st-stage judgment
and that the works including the Grand prix work had reached a high degree
of perfection. He showed expectation for further development in the future.
The last special lecture of "International VR Symposium" was
"the Start of State of the Art Technologies in Expression Association"
given by Mr. Satoru Machida, President of State of the Art Technologies
in Expression Association / CEO of AmbientMedia. Regarding the Association
under preparation of establishment as an incorporated foundation, he explained
objects of technologies in expression, the fields for promoting their use
and types of operation, examples of expression technologies, and their
related areas, citing cases of projection mapping and 3D printers etc.
Then he presented the purpose of establishment of the Art Technologies
in Expression Association and its activities.
After these events were over, a networking par t y was held in success.
Winning groups and works of "the 3rd VDWC" and "the 1st CPWC"
are as follows.
Award-giving ceremony of VDWC and CPWC |
Click here for more details of The 3rd Virtual Design World Cup
Click here for more details of The 1st Cloud Programming World Cup
Virtual Design World Cup
The 4th BIM&VR Design Contest on Cloud for students
Registration Period : May 1, 2014 (Thu) - September 30, 2014(Tue)
Project Submission Period : October1, 2014 (Wed) - October 21, 2014 (Tue)
Award Ceremony : Novermber 21, 2014 (Fri) |
Cloud Programming World Cup
The 2nd Cloud Programming World Cup for students
Registration Period : May 1, 2014 (Thu) - September 30 (Tue)
Project Submission Period : October1, 2014 (Wed) - October 21, 2014 (Tue)
Award Ceremony : Novermber 21, 2014 (Fri) |