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Release June 16, 2015 FORUM8 Co. Ltd. |
FORUM8 Co. Ltd. (http://www.forum8.co.jp/english) has successfully built and delivered an ultra-precision driving simulator for vehicle dynamics research and development, for Nagoya University. The simulator is located inside the university's National Innovation Complex (NIC). It was first introduced and publicized during the June 12, 2015 opening ceremony of the complex.
This simulator is the world-first 5-screen 3D stereoscopic VR driving simulator that incorporates numerous elements such as driving simulation, traffic simulation, and vehicle dynamics & performances, by building upon the the interactive 3D VR software UC-win/Road (a.k.a. VR-Design Studio). The nature of the simulator being the only true 5-screen VR driving simulator makes it unique compared to existing examples (※). It is particularily optimized to take into account and to monitor human perceptions and traits by incorporating complex mathematical models, high-luminance & high-definition visual cues, realistic cockpit modules, and a highly responsive motion platform. 【Application Examples】
The Nagoya University has been an avid participant of the Japanese MEXT's (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technolgy) "Centre of Innovation (COI)" mission under the research theme of "Diversified and Personalized Society Innovation Design - A Senior-Friendly Society of Mobility". As a member of this active research mission of Nagoya University, Special-Appointed Professor Tetsunori Haraguchi has chosen FORUM8 and its VR simulator systems to examine and reserach vehicle performances and dynamics.
【Related Press Links (Japanese)】 ▼The Race to Autonomous Driving: Nagoya University Becomes the Latest Innovation Stronghold Attracting the Likes of Toyota and Panasonic http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASH6D4Q4QH6DOIPE013.html ▼Nagoya University's Stronghold of Business-University Collaboration Completed. Projects Teaming up with Toyota and Municipal Governments Underway http://www.chunichi.co.jp/s/article/2015061290192806.html ▼A Tag Team Between University and Business: Nagoya University Opens New Research Complex to Support Driving Aid Technology Researches http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLZO88030150S5A610C1L91000/ 【Related Information】 ▼High Precision Driving Simulator for Vehicle Performance Analysis (Video) https://youtu.be/6ctgceHMWi8 ▼Nagoya Univeristy Institude of Innovation for Future Sociery http://www.coi.nagoya-u.ac.jp/en 【Related Products】 ▼3D Interactive Real-time VR Simulation Software UC-win/Road (a.k.a. VR-Design Studio) http://www.forum8.co.jp/english/uc-win/ucwin-road-e1.htm ▼UC-win/Road Driving Simulator http://www.forum8.co.jp/english/uc-win/road-drive-e.htm For more information, please contact your nearest office. http://www.forum8.co.jp/english/contact-e.htm |
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