Held Successfully with Gratitude, Looking Back its History over 30 Years
Mr. Yasuhiro Yamashita, Vice Chancellor of Tokai Univ. Talked about International
Contribution Through Judo
FORUM8 celebrated its 30th anniversary on May 23, 2017. "The 30th
Anniversary Special Lecture & Celebration" was held at Imperial
Hotel Tokyo.
Prior to the lecture, Yuji Ito, President of FORUM8 delivered the opening
address. Showing the company history edited at the opportunity of the 30th
anniversary, he looked back its progress over 30 years of FORUM8.
First of all, he summarized the Company's stance it has been taking since
its foundation based on development technologies of software packages.
The company expanded its business into software programs that support design
covering a wide range of fields from various structures to civil engineering
and architecture represented by "UC-1 Series", or technical services.
In recent years, with "UC-win/Road" as its core, FORUM8 has been
providing a variety of solutions through advanced virtual reality (VR)
technologies for many sorts of projects, researches on transportation and
automotive fields, and information system development etc. These processes
were shown by Mr. Ito in his speech. |
■Opening address from Ito Yuji, President of FORUM8 |
He also mentioned "Up & Coming", FORUM8's PR magazine, which
reached vol. 117 by this spring. He introduced the messages in commemoration
of the 30th anniversary given by some of the users who had been featured
in the past in the section of User Report continuing from the first number
of the magazine.
Finally, he expressed gratitude to its users as well as determination to aim at a company capable of meeting the expectation of all the clients by growing further. |
Special Lecture "Challenge for Dream" by Mr. Yasuhiro Yamashita
(Vice Chancellor of Tokai University, Vice President of All Japan Judo
Federation, Development Director of International Judo Federation)
His Dream Was to See National Flag "Hinomaru" and Hear National
Anthem at the Olympic Games as a Player
Currently Committed to International Exchange and Contribution through
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of FORUM8, Mr. Yasuhiro Yamashita, Vice Chancellor of Tokai University, Vice President of All Japan Judo Federation and Development Director of International Judo Federation gave a special lecture entitled “Challenge for Dream”.
From his infancy when he was a big and problem child, and through junior
and high school and college days when he was lucky with his respected teachers
of judo, he became gradually absorbed in the idea that it is "Truth
of Judo" to make the most of judo in life. Simultaneously, he also
formed his style of positive thinking to go toward a great goal without
dwelling on the past. In particular, having felt the vivific influence
of Shigeyoshi Matsumae, the founder of Tokai Univ., he came to be conscious
of contribution to international goodwill and world peace through judo,
says Mr. Yamashita.
On the other hand, from his memory of the Tokyo Olympic Games held in 1964,
he aroused a longing (dream) for having "the national flag of Rising-Sun,
the "Hinomaru" and the National Anthem at the Olympic Games (at
the award ceremony)" rather than getting a medal of his own. Mentioning
his own bitter experiences related with the following Olympic Games and
his famous desperate fight with Rashwan from Egypt in the final match of
the open-weight category in 1984 Los Angeles Olympics (for which he won
a gold medal), he revealed that he fought for his own dream described above
with a thought that he would repay an obligation after achieving his dream.
Subsequently, from a viewpoint of having a dream, he compared the era of
his childhood with the present day. From his own experience as a university
teacher, he fully realized "mental fragileness" and "short-temper"
of young people and recognized the effect of sports anew. Serving as Japan's
Rio Olympic games delegation deputy chairman last year, he is expected
to play a more important role in the coming Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020.
Though he understands the trend of attaching too much importance to medals,
he expressed his view that more weight should be attached on the idea of
fair play in sports.
■ Special lecture by Mr. Yasuhiro Yamashita,
Vice President of All Japan Judo Federation,
Development Director of International Judo Federation |
In fact, in following the path towards a leader after retirement, he once
faced with some incidents in which bad manners of Judo players surfaced.
This experience made him feel strongly that higher priority had been placed
on just winning and that a viewpoint of fostering human resources might
have been much lost. This thought was reflected on the movement of "Judo
Renaissance" (with Mr. Yamashita as the Chairman of the committee)
that started in 2001. This shed light on the teachings of "Seiryoku-Zenyo
(maximum efficient use of energy)" and "Jita-Kyoei (mutual welfare
and benefit)" by Jigoro Kano, who he highly respects, to work for
fostering human resources. With these efforts, manners of judo players
have improved year by year. However, since some people started complaining,
"Until when will such activities be continued", these activities
were finally closed. |
Soon, however, troubles to shake the judo community happened one after
another. These induced a situation that children didn’t want to play judo.
Then he started a project for exterminating violence under the slogan,
"Judo is human education". Later, this activity was taken over
to "Judo MIND Project" that attach importance on Manners, Independence,
Nobility and Dignity. He says that it was a mental state, “One person cannot
do anything alone. However, nothing can be done unless one person rises
up” that was cultivated through these processes.
When he took a position of the chairperson of Kanagawa Sports Association
in 2006, he produced a set of posters under the slogan “Fair play also
in everyday life” in working for "bullying preventio"” in a full
swing. He put his faith of making the most of “Truth of Judo” in "life
experience = everyday l".
Following the decision in 2013 to hold Tokyo Olympics (in 2020), he devoted
entirely to activities of All Japan Judo Federation. Since then, he has
been assigning international contribution through judo to himself as his
role. Such efforts have brought about outcome such as donation of recycled
judo outfits to poor countries in the world, dispatching coaches to foreign
countries, and inviting foreign trainers to Japan to allow them to take
short training courses. In addition, he has made achievements beyond a
political framework, including an attempt to connect judo players from
Israel and Palestine, Japan-China friendship and goodwill through judo,
and exchange with Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia etc.
Finally, positioning these things as the true world exchange and international contribution that judo players can perform, he expressed his convince that these are in line with the teachings of Jigoro Kano and Shigeyoshi Matsumae.
Many Concerned Participants Including Invited Guests from Various Fields Present at the Celebration Party
After the special lecture, the venue was changed to have the celebration
Many concerned participants were present at the party. The sponsor's address
was followed by guest introduction and congratulatory addresses from academic
society, political circles, and related industrial communities, and video
messages from foreign countries etc. The party finished in success with
a lottery of Thanks Gifts for 30 Year Anniversary of Establishment and
so on.
■Introduction of board members and executivers of FORUM8 |
■Performance by Mr. Shonosuke Okura, Noh Otsuzumi Player of Okura School |
■Video letters from World16 members |
■Toast led by Mr. Norio Ogiwara, who is Chairman of the Computer Software
Association of Japan (CSAJ),
President of Mamezou Holdings, Co., Ltd., and Secretary-General of Japan
Federation of IT Associations |
(Written by Takashi Ikeno)
●Related Memorial Businesses
■New Publication
"Virtual Reality Impact"
Author: Yuji Ito (President and CEO of FORUM8)
Date of issue: May 25, 2017
Price: 1,500 yen + tax
Publisher: Diamond Business Planning
Diamond Inc.) |
http://www.forum8.co.jp/forum8/press/press170530.htm |
■TV program sponsored by FORUM8
"Get together! VR friends with pakkun & Mayuko Kawakita"
Broadcasted by: Tokyo MX1
Main cast: Patrick Harlan, Mayuko Kawakita
12 times from January 6. Rebroadcasted from April 7.
(Every Friday 8:00-8:30PM) |
http://www.forum8.co.jp/forum8/press/press161212.htm |
■Thanks Gifts for 30-year anniversary of establishment
The lottery was held at the anniversary party on June 13.