FORUM8 Design Festival 2014-3Days
A Variety of Solutions Supporting CIM Gathered Together. Contests to Compete Original Technologies Expanded
Focus on Advanced Technologies about VR and Design Day 1 of the Design Festival got started with exhibition and information session in the showroom of FORUM8 Tokyo head office in the morning. Exhibition of UC-win/Road Driving Simulator (DS), simulators for UC-win/Road, solutions, and diverse systems related to 3D VR engineering services were conducted along with demonstration. Moving the venue to the Shinagawa Intercity Hall in the afternoon, <Driving Simulation Sessions> of the "15th UC-win/Road Conference" started. In the morning of Day 2, <General Sessions> of the same "15th UCwin/Road Conference" was held in the Shinagawa Intercity Hall. As part of it, announcement of the prizewinners of "the 13th 3DVR Simulation Contest on Cloud" and the award ceremony were held. Prior to this, 11 works had been nominated out of all the entries. They went through general voting using VR-Cloud(R) over them. Then FORUM8 judging committee held final judgment on November 18. In the afternoon, different sessions that compose "the 8th Design Conference" were held in parallel at the same Hall and our Tokyo Office Seminar Room. <IM&VR Sessions> were held in the Hall, and <Geotechnical Sessions> in the Seminar Room. The former set of sessions started with open final judgment of "the 4th VDWC" (over 15 entries nominated previously out of all) and "the 2nd CPWC" (similarly over 6 nominated entries). Then several lectures were given, followed by the announcement of both WC and award ceremony to finish the sessions. After the 2 sets of sessions were over, a networking party was held at Hall Foyer (in front of the Hall), which also announced the latest publication of 3 books by FORUM8 Publishing: Behavior-Security-Culture (BeSeCu)", "Recommendation for ICT Global Collaboration", and "Analysis for Flood Risk in an Urban Area". In the Hall on Day3 (the last day of the Design Festival), <Design, Analysis and Seismic Sessions> of "the 8th Design Conference" were held throughout the morning and afternoon, with <CIM Sessions> at the last part. In the former sessions were held the announcement of prizewinners of "the 1st National Resilience Award" and its award ceremony. For this 10 entries were preliminarily nominated out of all, and our judgment committee held the final judgment on November 17. In the Seminar Room, "the 7th International VR Symposium" was held in the morning, and <Water Works Sessions> of the Design Conference in the afternoon respectively. During the Conference, in addition to the exhibition and information sessions at the showroom and Hall Foyer as written above, Technical support / CIM Experience Area was arranged in the presentation room in our Tokyo Head Office. A large number of visitors experienced our latest products and services. Specific description of each event and session will follow.
![]() Advanced and Diversified Technical Discussion Developed Based on VR Technology
Seeking for Advanced Reality, Application to Mobility Studies to Spread Following the opening remarks (by FORUM8 President Yuji Ito), a special lecture was given for <Driving Simulation Sessions> of "UCwin/Road Conference" entitled "Development of the 8DOF large scale driving simulator". Firstly Mr. Rongguy Zhou, Director of Road Safety Research Center (RSRC), Ministry of Transport of China (MOT) mentioned the positioning of RSRC and Research Institute of Highway (RIOH), and overview of the organizations and scope of studies. Then he gave briefing of the experimental laboratory where 8DOF large scale driving simulator (DS) was installed and the activities there. He showed expectation towards collaboration with concerned Japanese agencies.
In the latter part, Mr. Zhang Weihan, Research Fellow there expounded features of three types of DS and main application study cases, as well as the process of introducing DS dating back to 2007. He summarized functions of the latest DS and scope of studies using DS in RIOH etc. Then he mentioned a study on verification of the effect of functions of DS itself or its motion platform etc., taking examples of verifying visibility of road signs and driving simulation, along with studies using the functions of DS to the fullest. As a few examples of this, he explained the joint study with Canada focusing on the relationship between human factors and traffic safety in various environments, and study on safety measures towards Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge project. He stated that they are also willing to put emphasis on studies using DS continuously.
The next special lecture ""Latest research towards the realization of green mobility society and the use of VR simulator" was given by Prof. Tetsunori Haraguchi, Specially Appointed Professor of Nagoya University. He gave an outline of his activities during his days in Toyota Motor Corporation and after he moved to Nagoya Univ., concepts and activities of "Nagoya COI (Center Of Innovation) Base" and "Social Innovation Design Study Center (SIDC)" established based on "COI Stream", a program of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for creating innovation. Paying attention to possibilities of FORUM8 DS including the multi-driver function, he hit upon several ideas. Among them is a study on social acceptability of super-small personal mobility and the ride quality of the user, from a viewpoint of supplying mobility when the working generation shifts to the side of elderly generation. Another example is an application to the study on characteristics of vehicles by which tracking driving that tends to cause poor mileage can lead to improvement in practical mileage, from a viewpoint of controlling global warming. Then he explained the overview of DS he and others had introduced for the green mobility study, human engineering situations of using it so far, and problems found through them. He said that in NIC (National Innovation Complex), which is scheduled to be complete next spring, they plan to use DS of FORUM8 etc. to conduct studies on tracking driving, lane-change intervention assistance, drivers' behavior when reversing, and studies linking with simulators of traffic flow or vehicle motion. Finally, he drew future prediction of his own beyond the studies utilizing DS.
After a break, greetings from an advisor was made by Mr. Hiroshi Komori, former vice president of Central Motor Co.,Ltd. (currently TOYOTA MOTOR EAST JAPAN, INC.), now Advisor of FORUM8 Co., Ltd.", entitled "Job-site improvement and management reforms". At the beginning, he talked about "Kaizen (improvement) Meister" established to contribute to Japanese manufacturing companies through improvement at job sites practiced in Toyota production system (TPS) with his colleagues (over 65 years old) after he had retired from the former job. Based on his experience of involving with business improvement in various small and medium-sized companies, he asserted that the key to its success is human mind. After mentioning the concept of TPS, he explained the following items with actual examples: "'on-site and an actual good comes first' spirit" to know the site by oneself, man build-up who thinks by oneself by doubting the current practice and having no preoccupation, "also seeing the wood for the trees" attitude, with which a manager have both viewpoints of on-site and business strategy, and importance of consideration towards motivation. He developed his lecture into challenges and countermeasures common to buildup of good sites and business innovation, such as 4S (Seiri: arrangement, Seiton: good order, Seiketsu: cleanliness, Seiso: cleaning), process improvement, elimination of waste of stagnation by JIT (Just In Time), automation (separation of human and machine), quality control (built-in quality with ownership and time saving of PDCA), visualization (sharing information about problems).
Next presentation was "Latest function of UCwin/Road Ver.11 and its future development", made by FORUM8 staff. As new functions of the latest version of UC-win/Road (Ver.10.0 to be released in August) and the next version under development (v11), he mentioned improvement in crowd simulation, supporting railroad, DWG tool, Aimsun-linked plug-in (v10 so far), function to extract alignment parameters (v11), cluster extension, CAVE system, head tracking (v10 so far), supporting Oculus Rift DK2 (v11), driving diagnosis plug-in (v10), sensor model (camera simulation / laser simulation / common functions), rendering (v11 so far), supporting 64bit (v12) etc. He also mentioned the direction of development in the future.
The third special lecture was made by Mr. Sukenori Kobayashi, President of IPG Automotive, entitled "The test system linked with the new VR provided by Virtual Test Drive (use of MIL-SIL-HIL-VIL)". Firstly, he explained the organization of IPG Automotive that provides vehicle dynamics simulation (VDS) and solutions for virtual test driving (VTD) etc., changes in product development over 30 years, marketing expansion towards establishing a Japanese corporation in the last June, which is the first overseas branch etc. He talked about challenges and industry trends in the development area of the automobile industry as well as needs for building VTD environment, with voices of European users. Then he mentioned the concept of VTD provided by the company and its original solution, an overview of its main three products (CarMaker, MotorcycleMaker, and TruckMaker), elements that the company considers necessary for VTD, and noteworthy open integrated platforms. Subsequently he mentioned the present situation that diversified and advanced simulation as well as analysis and verification are realized and linked to actual development through linking with tools of other companies or integration with various models by means of the "X in the Loop" approach of the Company, such as Model-in-the-Loop (MIL), Software-in-the-Loop (SIL), Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL), and Vehicle-in-the-Loop (VIL) etc. Furthermore, he also talked about support cases for the real driving emissions test (RDE) and the advanced driving assistance system (ADAS).
Mr. Hiroshi Fujiwara, Advisor of FORUM8 Co., Ltd. / Former Honda Motor Co., Ltd. RAD gave Greetings from an adviser, entitled "The future of vehicle development generating user's thrill and pleasure". After looking back his efforts in Honda Motor, based on the present situation that the automobile market in Japan ranked the 3rd next to China and USA, he proposed challenges as follows: 1) Can Japanese auto manufacturers lead automobile development with eyes fixed on the future? 2) How to quantify the feeling area concerning automobiles? 3) Can the Japanese automobile industry, in which light automobiles occupies 40% of the automobile market share, realize downsizing that can be accepted in the world? He showed expectations towards the future.
The second presentation made by FORUM8 staff was entitled "The latest information about FORUM8 DS solution". Mentioning the Diverse lineup of UCwin/Road-based DS and recent unique examples of introduction and proposals, he talked about functions of UC-win/Road that are useful for DS, such as the multi-driver function through extension of the cluster system (Ver.9), extension of the traffic simulation function, extension of log output plug-in (Ver.9.1 so far), Oculus Rift plug-in, driving diagnosis plug-in, Aimsun-link plugin, and Kinect plug-in extension (Ver.10), as well as various DS-related solutions such as VR-Cloud® and originally-designed hardware "Ultra Micro Data Center®". The sessions were closed with a presentation made by FORUM8 staff, entitled "Case examples about developing VR Driving Simulator". He explained the configuration of DS-related areas to link with UC-win/Road, procedure of building DS, functions developed for DS, and UC-win/Road SDK (Development Kit).
![]() VR Applications Move onto the Next Stage, Wider Circle to be Expected In the morning of Design Festival Day 2, <General Sessions> that also constitute the "15th UC-win/Road Conference" were held in the hall of Shinagawa Intercity. The opening lecture was followed by the announcement of prizewinners for the "13th 3D VR Simulation Contest on Cloud" and the award ceremony were held. General Sessions opened up with a special lecture given by Professor Edwin R. Galea from University of Greenwich, Founding Director of Fire Safety Engineering Group (FSEG) entitled "EXODUS/SMARTFIRE - The Latest Research on Fire Analysis and Evacuation Analysis and Case Studies".
He first gave an outline of the organization of FSEG that he leads, modeling about safety and security studied there, and development of software covering various areas such as the evacuation simulation "EXODUS" and fire simulation "SMARTFIRE". He presented the main application areas of these software programs, experiments for collecting data, and examples of simulation they created. To show just a few of them, items he explained included an effective use of a lift in evacuation from high-rise buildings like WTC, which had produced a large number of victims, way finding (escape route guidance) and signage approaches, examination of the effect of using bollard (car stop), different types of simulation for large-scale crowd and disasters with associated evacuation, fire and human behavior, and studies on evacuation from a large ship or passenger airplane etc. He also mentioned advanced simulation through supporting GPU, expectation to improvement of evacuation plans through using these tools, and importance of quantification of data and human behavior. The lecture was followed by the result announcement and award ceremony of "The 13th 3DVR Simulation Contest on Cloud". The MC was Mr. Satoru Machida, Advisor of Projection Mapping Association of Japan / CEO of AmbientMedia / Part-time advisor of FORUM8. The nominated works and winners decided at the final judgment held on November 18 prior to the Design Festival were introduced. Finally, Professor Fumio Seki, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University reviewed the contest on behalf of the judges. He showed expectation towards wider circle in consideration of the level of entries as a whole getting higher and higher each time and that senior high-school students were not only nominated but also got an excellent prize (semi-grand prix) for the first time. This contest was founded when UC-win/Road won the prize of "Software Product of the Year in 2002. This time, 11 entries were nominated out of all entries through the preliminary qualifying competition held on November 4. The nominated entries were opened to public using VR-Cloud®, for which general voting was held (November 8-16). Votes were added from three Members of FORUM8 judging committee (Prof. Seki; Mr. Hiroo Kasagi, Representative of Chiikizukuri Kobo (NPO); and Mr. Tatsuoki Inagaki, Chairperson of the board of directors of Pave & Road How-To Way Technology Association. The results of final judgment were decided on November 18.
The prizewinners of the13th 3DVR Simulation Contest on Cloud and their entries are as follows. ![]()
![]() Presentations and Proposals by Experts and Students In and Out of Japan in the Areas of Architecture, Civil engineering, and ICT "The 8th Design Conference" <IM&VR Sessions>, held in the Hall in the afternoon, opened up with "the open final judgment of the 4th VDWC (virtual Design World Cup)/ the 2nd CPWC (Cloud Programming World Cup)". "VDWC" is an international competition for students to design architecture and urban cities using FORUM8 software on BIM/CIM and VR including UC-win/Road. Being the 4th this time, a proposal theme was set to "Sustainable Olympic Town in Tokyo Bay 2020: Shinkiba and Tatsumi Area". On the other side, "CPWC" is a competition for programming techniques of cloud application that can run on VR-Cloud® using UC-win/Road SDK (Software Development Kit) and VR-Cloud® SDK. The open final judgment of both WCs started with MC by Mr. Ryuta Ieiri, a Construction IT journalist. First, Prof. Yasushi Ikeda, Chief of VDWC executive committee (Professor of Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University / Representative of IKDS), Mr. Yoshihisa Hanamura (Director of NPO Civil Machizukuri Station / Vice-chairperson of Liaison Council of Construction NPOs), Prof. Kostas Terzidis (Associate Professor at Harvard University), and Prof. David Tseng (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan / Representative of CitiCraft architectural office). Prof. Ikeda explained the points of the theme of VDWC this time, and the process of selecting the nominated works from entry phase through preliminary selection. Mr. Ieiri mentioned the history of VDWC and its concept. Then each team made the presentation of the nominated work. Lastly, judges gave their impressions respectively and made final vote.
With a similar procedure successively, Prof. Tomohiro Fukuda, Head of CPWC judging committee (Associate Professor from the Graduate School of Engineering Osaka University) and other judges were introduced, including: Hiroyuki Hakura (Delegate of "The Forum for Advancement of Stereoscopic Three Dimensional Image Technology and Arts" / Designated Professor of Digital Hollywood University, Graduate School), Prof. Taro Narahara (Associate professor from the College of Architectural Design, New Jersey Institute of Technology) , and Yoann Pencreach (Chief Manager of VR development group, FORUM8). Prof. Fukuda, Chief Judging Committee summarized the overview of CPWC, judging points, judging process and the process of selecting the nominated (6) entries. Subsequently, each team made presentation before the final vote was made. Following the open final judgment, the first special lecture of <IM&VR Sessions> was "Developing process - from information technology to designing space -" given by Prof. Takehiko Nagakura, Associate Professor of School of Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He first presented some of his studies such as experimental digital representation of structures not actually constructed, named "Unbuilt Monuments", and CG movie production technology. After mentioning historical changes in digital design tools, he moved onto several topics such as projects for digital visualization of Built (what actually exists), to which he shifted his interests from Unbuilt, with many different technologies; exploration of how to utilize data obtained by such projects, case studies of tool development for information useful to design using advanced ICT (research of impressions of towns, expression of access time, simulation of human behavior, and various ways of showing design). In addition, he developed his talk into Website for conducting competition of smallscale architecture projects such as renovation with of worldwide architects as participants (, and "the world of architecture with more fun" to be realized through a new way of competition. Lastly, based on the fact that systems themselves are becoming more intelligent in the future, he mentioned the future direction of his own studies, namely, generation of design or interpretation and comments about it using those systems.
Next, Mr. Toshiro Kawamura, Former vice president of NEC, President of Collabo Business Consulting, and Advisor to FORUM8 gave a special lecture entitled "Recommendation for ICT Global Collaboration". Since his new book, of which title is the same as the lecture, was published by FORUM8 on the day, he presented the process of publication. Then he showed his ideas about several topics: historical streams of computer-related diverse technologies and development of super computers and PC, business style of 21st century based on network and challenges with it, response to diversity and globalization, an approaches to collaboration.
Prof. Zhen-jiang Shen, Professor at School of Environmental Design, College of Science and Engineering Kanazawa University gave the last special lecture in the first half, entitled "VR technology for supporting urban design". Mentioning his activities of supporting plans using VR and GIS mainly in his local area Kanazawa, he summarized the features of VR as a tool, and the process of plan supporting activities for residents using it. Then he explained a method developed to visualize regulations of Building Standards Act that are hard to understand in text to allow the residents and students to study it; case study of applying it to participation of residents in the examination process of a local government, and evaluation of approaches through them. Lastly, he developed his speech to the future research themes such as utilization of big data in urban design, and a study on setting parameters to represent buildings that comply building regulations with UC-win/Road.
After a break, the second part of the afternoon started with presentation by FORUM8 staff entitled "IM&VR solution and 3DVR engineering service". He outlined the links of BIM/CIM support solutions of FORUM8 with UC-win/Road as a platform among applications. He illustrated links between UC-win/Road and different analysis results such as wind analysis, point cloud analysis, and energy analysis. He explained some functions of UC-win/Road Ver.10 and 3D CAD Studio under development with demonstration. Moreover, he mentioned related services including the future response to BIM/CIM solutions and 3D VR engineering services.
The sessions were closed with "Award Ceremony for the 4th VDWC / 2nd CPWC" moderated by Mr. Ryuta Ieiri, and with Reporter Mr. Yuji Abe as MC. 15 entries that received nomination prizes were presented and awarded with the prize. Then judges (Prof. Ikeda Chief executive committee, Mr. Hanamura, Prof. Terzidis, Prof. Tseng) announced the following prizewinners and awarded prizes with comments: "Judge's special prize, Sustainable design prize" (Robert Gordon Univ.); "Ditto, Civil design prize" (Tokyo Univ. and Yamaguchi Univ.); "Ditto, Foresight prize" (Shibaura Institute of Technology and Graduate School); "Ditto, Top of the world prize" (Ritsumeikan Univ.); "Excellent prize" (University of Transport and Communications (Vietnam)), and "World cup prize" (Kanazawa Univ.).
Next, presentation of 6 works that received Nomination prize of CPWC was made and the prizes were awarded. Then the judges (Prof. Fukuda Chief judging committee, Prof. Hakura, Prof. Narahara, and Mr. Yoann) announced the following prizewinners and awarded the prizes with comments: "Judge's special prize, Environmental design informatics prize" (Sugiyama Jogakuen Univ.); "Ditto, No man car / automatic driving car prize" (Kyushu Univ.): "Ditto, Cloud sourcing prize" (Shanghai Maritime Univ.); "Ditto, Real world application prize" (Kansai Univ.); and "World cup prize" (Shanghai Jiao Tong University). Finally Prof. Nagakura, Prof. Galea, and both chiefs of WC executive committee deepened discussion and closed the sessions.
Also please refer to 3D VR Engineering Service. ![]() An increase in demand for 3D analysis/simulation due to an expansion of analysis target and scale Mr. Toshiro Hanada, the president of Bulld Geotechno Co., Ltd. who gave a well received presentation last year opened the curtain of the Geotechnical Session this year with his special lecture titled "Examples of "GeoFEAS" Application for analysis of self-weight consolidation settlement occurred at the time of seismic liquefaction".
The next special lecture was by Mr. Fei Cai; an associate professor in the Graduate School of Engineering, Gunma University; on "Geotechnical FEM analysis technology and its case example". He thoroughly described the design codes implemented in the geotechnical FEM analysis, an outline of the geotechnical analysis system based on Finite Element Method, and the various types of geotechnical FEM analysis. With this in mind, he introduced an actual example of damages done to buildings due to liquefaction during the 2007 Chūetsu offshore earthquake, and how big of a positive impact you can make by performing FEM analysis in advance, leaving a strong impression on the audience about the effectiveness of the pre-analysis.
Ms. Kana Nakatani; an associate professor of Agriculture Department, Kyoto University who was involved in the development of a user friendly Debris-Avalanche Simulator " Kanako" whose solver is used in FORUM8's "UC-1 Debris-Avalanche Simulation"; gave her presentation continuing on from where she left off in her lecture last year. In her presentation titled "The latest case example of debris-avalanche analysis - An evaluation that caused a change in the way in which buildings and terrain ought to be built and set", the following case examples, both of which use Kanako in the debris-avalanche analysis, were introduced: A debris-avalanche analysis based on the data from an actual debrisavalanche that occurred at Toikawa, Aso-city in Kumamoto prefecture in Japan in July 2012; and the same analysis based on the data from the debris flow triggered by typhoon no. 26 that struck the Izu-Oshima Island in 16 October 2013. Both were good examples that illustrated the important points to remember when assigning a model using "Debris-Avalanche Simulation", providing many users that attended the session valuable information to take home and use in the future.
In following presentation by a representative from FORUM8 Development Group, the latest information on 3D Geotechnical Analysis Series products, new features of Debris-Avalanche Simulation, and the newly released product FEM Engineer's Suite was presented. He emphasized on how the ability to represent analysis results in 3D model unique to FORUM8 products can be very useful in verifying the analysis results. He went on to explain the advantages of UC-win/Road in particular its ability to build and visualize analysis models quickly and easily, and to reproduce multiple debris-avalanche simulations simultaneously, forecasting a promising future in the discipline of debris-avalanche analysis.
![]() Basic technology of Resilience, A Variety of Solutions The morning part of <Design, Analysis and Seismic Sessions> held in the Hall opened up with a special lecture of Prof. Satoshi Fujii, Professor of Kyoto University Graduate School of engineering, Department of Urban Management, entitled "The latest National Resiliency". He mentioned the present situation of Japan pressed to respond to large-scale natural disasters that frequently occur including earthquakes and flood disasters, as well as deterioration of infrastructure, and the significance of policies to build advanced resilience. Then he summarized the process of how Fundamental Plan for National Resilience, which he strived developing as Special Advisor to the Cabinet for the second Abe Cabinet, reached cabinet decision in June 2014. He explained the significance of the Fundamental Plan and the concept of resilience, and in particular, positioning of "Achieve swift recovery and reconstruction" and the idea of "Disaster Prevention and Mitigation New Deal", and their political implication. Further, he said diversity of different regions should be restructured and collaboration among regions be strengthened. At the same time, vitality of regions should be increased by promoting building of national robustness to disasters. Trying to free the country from Tokyo centralization, it should be aimed to form national land of "self-control, dispersion, cooperation"-type. Like this, he insisted on importance of the viewpoints towards building national resilience. He also mentioned the idea of creation of locality linked with expansion of Shinkansen bullet train network as part of its specific measures.
Following the lecture, announcement of prizewinners and an award ceremony of "the 1st National Resilience Design Award", which was founded in 2014 aiming to honor the efforts to contribute to building national resilience. This covers the fields ranging from structural analysis (civil engineering and architecture) to geotechnical engineering, hydraulic engineering, and disaster prevention, aiming to build a place for providing information and technical training through specific cases leading to national resilience and competition of the results. Ahead of the ceremony, Prof. Hiromichi Yoshikawa, Chief judging committee (Professor of Disaster Prevention Engineering, Tokyo City University) was introduced with other judges, including Prof. Keizo Ukai (professor emeritus, Graduate School of Engineering, Gunma University / Inspector at FORUM8), and Prof. Masaru Morita (Professor, Urban Environmental Engineering Lab, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology). Chief Judge Yoshikawa explained the concept of the Award and the process of entries through preliminary selection to nomination of (10) works (October) and decision of prizes on November 17.
In the ceremony, 10 works that received nomination prizes were presented with their outlines and points, and the prize was awarded. Judges announced the following prizewinners out of them with comments and awarded the prizes with them: "Judge's Special Award, Flood Risk Management Award" (Azbil Corporation); "Ditto, Geotechnical Construction Method Assessment Award" (Shin Nippon Giken Engineering Co., Ltd., Western branch); "Ditto, Seismic Performance Evaluation Award" (Japan-China Consultant Co., Ltd., Nagoya branch); "Ditto, Environmental Sustainable Analysis Award" (atelier DoN); "Excellent Award" (Yokogawa Sumikin Bridge Corp.); and "Grand Prix" (Tojitsu Sekkei Consultant Co., Ltd.). Finally, Chief Judge Yoshikawa made remarks on the significance of this attempt and expectation towards the future to close the morning sessions.
The sessions were restarted in the afternoon with Special Lecture "Development of the comprehensive platform regarding the initial stress analysis of concrete structures" by Prof. Tadaaki Tanabe, Professor emeritus of Nagoya University and Executive Director of Chubu Regional Institute of Infra-Technology Evaluation and Support. Concerning initial cracking of a concrete structure or control of the crack width, he introduced the activities of Mass Concrete Software Production Committee of JCI (Japan Concrete Institute), which he serves as an advisor. He also talked about "JCMAC3", a program that the committee has been developing as a comprehensive platform for initial damage analysis and load-carrying capacity under it, and "JCMAC3-U" (planned to be released within 6 months). Showing the basic theory, various problems about cracks in concrete structures, and cases of experiment and analyses by multiple researchers responding them, he expounded effectiveness of the current tool. In addition, he mentioned an example of load-carrying capacity analysis of Tarui elevated bridge with LECOM (JCMAC3-U).
Next, Mr. Teisaburo Hanafusa, Mr. Tsuyoshi Yokota, and Mr. Kentaro Fujimoto, Design Group, Civil Engineering Dept., Civil Engineering Branch, P.S. Mitsubishi Construction, gave special lecture entitled "Case studies of FEM analysis for concrete bridges". First, Mr. Hanafusa illustrated the concept and characteristics of prestressed concrete (PC) and types of PC structures to which they are applied. At the same time, he mentioned PC bridge design in the Company and utilization of FEM analysis there. This was followed by Mr. Fujimoto, focusing on PC 4 span continuous extradoused box girder bridges. He summarized the features of extra-doused box girder bridges and points of the specific bridge. He also mentioned studies on diagonal member anchoring projection for the newly constructed bridge, studies on straining diagonal members of double chamber box girder portion, and application cases of FEM analysis in examination during overhang execution. Mr. Yokota further summed up the increase in needs for repair and reinforcement in the field of bridges, as well as environment that surrounds construction works and the present situation. Taking a construction work of replacing bearings and a bridge girder reinforcing work, he explained overview of each work, studied contents of FEM analysis, and the result of study. He gave his view about the advantages of FEM analyses gained through them.
Subsequently, FORUM8 staff made presentation entitled "The latest function of Engineer's Studio® and FEMLEEG". After mentioning the history of revision of Engineer's Studio®, he explained multiple point input, function of result saving option, and Rayleigh damping expansion. He also talked about the outline of FEMLEEG and new functions of Ver.5.0 (proper vibration analysis in consideration of initial stress, circular arc arrangement of creation of embedded reinforcing bar elements, improved accuracy of low order PENTA elements, varying load within element, function of saving and calling view information, and function of registering legend levels). The sessions were closed with special lecture of Mr. Akihiro Kodama, Director of Structure Dept., Southern-Tech Co., ltd., entitled "Case study of seismic reinforcement design of an existing RC fixed-arch bridge". Firstly he talked about outline of work for an existing RC upper deck type fixed-arch bridge, detailed research of the bridge and its result, study on repair based on the result and proposal, and points in considering load-carrying capacity reinforcement. Then he expounded detailed design of seismic reinforcement in consideration of particularity of the case, and detailed design of seismic reinforcement after reinforcement. He also mentioned various challenges in seismic analysis. Finally, he again explained the importance of 1) visiting the site and properly grasping the geometrical deterioration and damage of the present situation when dealing with existing structures; 2) verifying in what kind of shape the structure will fail; and 3) dealing with the case faithfully with enthusiasm.
![]() Changes in Introduction of CIM, Current Situation of its Utilization, and Future Approaches The second part of afternoon on Day3 was allotted to <CIM Sessions> held in the Hall. Mr. Seigo Ogata, Senior Engineer, Technology Research Department, Advanced Construction Technology Center gave a special lecture entitled "Approach to CIM field and the latest trend". Firstly he generally described the organization of the Center and his own duties, and CIM-related activities in Japan Society of Civil engineers. Then he illustrated main events about CIM in Japan since 2011 and how the Center was involved with them, the concept of CIM and its changes, main activities of the CIM System Investigative Commission / the CIM Technical Investigative Commission, and the Center's involvement with them.
Regarding the team to research CIM in the U.S.A. sent last fiscal year, he summarized its purpose, cases of applying BIM in the U.S., efforts on COBie, an American maintenance system that attracted attention, the idea of focusing on "visualization" and "process simulation" reflecting the result of visit. He moved onto the cases commissioned to the Center in fiscal 2013 (studying design, PM, and research) to which 3D was applied. He also explained the stream towards starting research on COBie in Japan reflecting the trend research on British Government to which FORUM8 cooperated, study on scenarios of introducing CIM for higher efficiency, and CIM application for the commissioned work in fiscal 2014. In addition, after mentioning the actual situation of activities for dissemination and education, he expounded his voluntary studies such as utilization of communities, research on the sites for implementation, utilization of 3D virtual sites towards improving efficiency of maintenance, linking information-oriented construction with CIM, CIM study group activities in Kyushu Region, and CIM Champion lectureship. Finally, he urged what kind of attitude to take for approaching to CIM. To close the sessions, FORUM8 staff made presentation entitled "CIM technology information and case study of technical support services". As an application case of IM&VR data link, he explained link functions of FORUM8 software products including different analysis programs, CAD, and evacuation analysis with UC-win/Road as the core. He also showed specific examples of: application of point cloud data measured by the laser scanner to 3D modeling on UC-win/Road, visualization of wind analysis and noise analysis on UC-win/Road, and simulation of flood and debris flow. He developed his presentation into the situations of using the VR-Cloud® service.
![]() Measures for heavy rainfall disasters occurring frequently in the recent years are the common issues Water Works Session kicked off with a lecture titled "Case studies via xpswmm" by Hideaki Yamaga of Nihon Suiko Sekkei Co., Ltd.. Mr. Yamaga introduced methods of building simulation models through several analysis case studies in consulting services such as those related to sewerage ducts, ground surfaces, integrated analysis of sewerage and rivers, tsunami, and unknown waters. He also gave a thorough explanation on an application of XRAIN, X-band MP radar installed by MLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism in Japan) to observe and measure precipitation level, as one of the analysis case studies via xpswmm, giving all users involved in practical work a very meaningful presentation.
Subsequently, Mr. Mudaliar and Mr. Kuch of XP Solutions Inc., the developer of xpswmm, gave a special lecture on "The latest case studies of flood simulation model xpswmm 2014". The lecture focused on analysis case studies targeting heavy floods that occurred in various places around the world such as Southeast Asia and North America. During the Q&A session, there was an intense discussion with the participants on specific methods of modeling such those used to define building height and geomorphic surface elevation.
In this Design Festival, this year, 3 new books are introduced and published from FORUM8 Publishing, and Mr. Masaru Morita, who is the author of "Flood risk analysis of urban areas -from disaster risk reduction to risk management-" which is one of the new books, has done a lecture with the theme of "Analysis of flood risk in urban area : The current situation and tasks". Mr. Morita has introduced the history of runoff analysis models and the ways of thinking of risk management, which it cannot be said that it has spread enough in Japan in comparison to the West. As an application of flood risk assessment, explanations has also been done for the items such as the decision of the highest standard of flood control and rain water draining plan, predictions of flood risk increase due to climate change, and risk reduction effect by rain water draining project. Also, future tasks and prospects were mentioned, such as evaluations of infrastructure damages taking in account the uncertainties of flood risks.
In this session, a panel discussion composed by 5 panelists, the lecturer Mr. Yamaga, Mr. Sudes and Mr. Kuch, Mr. Morita, and the developer of FORUM8, has been held at the same time. Having "what are the things expected in analysis software / future image of analysis software" as the theme, an intense discussion has been done, which also served as an exchange of opinions and information between the users and the developer. Mr. Morita, from the position of his research, has mentioned about the utilization prospects of xpswmm in the field of risk management, and has emphasized the importance of how to perceive hazards and the maintenance of data sets. He has also stated about the future tasks, such as presenting results calculated in real time based on real time information of a laser. Also, Mr. Yamakaga has introduced the method of damage amount calculation which he has started initiating in his consulting services. The realization of the effective use of databases and improvement of throughput by the cloud has been proposed to be necessary. In contrast, Mr. Sudesh and Mr. Kuch of the XP Solutions Inc., as the future development of xpswmm, similarly claimed the necessity of maintaining databases, stating the idea that it integrates various solutions and becomes available for large-scale data.
In the presentation by the FORUM8 developer, which was also carried in conjunction, the overview and the latest functions and solutions of all the 26 products of the hydraulic engineering series has been introduced, such as sewerage and waterworks, river structures, runoff analysis and flood analysis. A demonstration mixed with actual operation was done about the cooperation of xpswmm and UC-win/Road, and the cooperation of the design of manholes and 3D reinforcement arrangement CAD.
![]() Proposals on a highly sophisticated use of point cloud data, application of VR technology in education, BIM/CIM linkage were the highlights The opening remarks was given by Mr. Kobayashi (Prism lab. Of Arizona State University) before starting the 7th annual international VR symposium and research talk since the summer workshop in Hawaii (July, 2014) given by World 16 members. He introduced the past achievements of World 16, this symposium's progress and the achievements of Hawaii Workshop. After that, the member's lectures started from "Drone&VR : Research for 3D modeling via UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)" given by Matthew Swarts.
Mr. Swarts's research is to use photogrammetry and point cloud data via UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) in VR environment. Conduct the camera match and rendering to the aerial sequence photographs and movies of the development site along the flight path set by GPS and the addition of mesh data and textures can also be done. On top of that, zoom of high-resolution data and even the detail tracking of pedestrians' movement are used for analysis and prediction. Eventually in his lecture, the map data was read into UC-win/Road, roads were created and trees and buildings etc. were reproduced from point clouds.
The unique lecture entitled "Laser scanner for research about the cave of bats" was given by Mr. Thomas Tucker, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. As for the projects reproducing the internal shape of the cave in Shandong, China and analysis about a bat's movement living in the cave , which was in the news at the workshop in Hawaii, the process to measure the skeleton of a bat via micro CT scan to create its 3D model and reproduce the sophisticated flight routes and behavior s of it via motion-capture was introduced. In addition, he introduced the new case study to make the location in France where the First World War was waged as 3D model, link with AR or read it into UC-win/Road and then use it for education.
Associate Prof. Kostas Terzidis, Harvard University gave his lecture entitled "Organic parking : The parking's booking system on cloud" which draws attention as a new business model. This is a system, 'Organic parking' developed by him, which makes it possible to trade the usable time of a parking space interpersonally seeking a solution to reduce a lot of stress commonly caused in the world cities that the parking space cannot be smoothly found when it is necessary. Practically, he explained about the mechanism to realize the trading system via cloud by showing the demonstration movie in which how to operate the system is recorded and an animated catchy promotion movie.
In the lecture entitled "Real-time system for urban planning via VR-Cloud®" given by Associated Prof. Tomohiro Fukuda, he proposed to synchronously-share 3D spaces via VR-Cloud® and then to have a design consideration and conference as the future meeting style which will have more advanced internationalization and informatization. The consideration of landscape and design in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi was introduced as a case example. In his demonstration, the whole process to share the data via VR-Cloud® and examine by connecting voice and video with the laboratory in Osaka University via the meeting system was reproduced. He also described about from the current standalone use to the future networked vision.
The lecture entitled "Case examples of the linkage of interactive devices and VR" was given by Associate Prof. Taro Narahara, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) and his wide variety of efforts was introduced including the use of robotics for business and education in architecture field via the devices including laser cutters and sensors etc. As for crowd simulation mounted as one of the functions in UC-win/Road, the method to consider the efficiency in dynamic state and human behaviors for architectural design and then design the things not only from the geometric point of view but also correlativity was explained. Moreover, as the recent field of concern, taking 'Haptics' which gives the tactile feedback to the virtual objects as an example, he also illustrated that he was searching for the application of 'Haptics' to the game for rehabilitation etc. with a hospital research team in New Jersey Institute of Technology.
Prof. Paolo Fiamma of University of Pisa introduced about BIM application using the models of UC-win/Road and IFC etc. for a redevelopment project in an old city area in his lecture entitled "Research for use of VR in Pisa, Italy". He also gave an explanation about the merit to be able to contribute to the reduction of time and cost by using BIM models of the addition of attributes including materials, cost and time etc. and the case study to efficiently simulate what kinds of event happen in the town by importing the models of the new buildings and facilities into VR spaces as well as simulating its influence to the crowd flow and traffic.
He also gave an explanation about the merit to be able to contribute to the reduction of time and cost by using BIM models of the addition of attributes including materials, cost and time etc. and the case study to efficiently simulate what kinds of event happen in the town by importing the models of the new buildings and facilities into VR spaces as well as simulating its influence to the crowd flow and traffic. One of the most noticeable topics in the symposium this year was the proposal for educational use of VR. Associate Prof. Amar Bennadji's lecture entitled "Online education research via VR" was one of them and his research to search for the best use of UC-win/Road as an education tool for students was introduced from his point of view who is also a manager of online education course being planned for the future in his university. "The redevelopment of Aberdeen's Union Street" is adopted as the actual case study after conducting the trials for students as a part of the course on visualizing buildings, architectural environment and planning. He evaluated UC-win/Road's possibility as an education tool and collaboration tool and also its operability of ideas by designing and planning via conference or presentation without face-to-face talking with local municipal employees via VR.
Finally, Associate Prof. Wael Abdelhameed gave his presentation entitled "VR application for 4D construction project". He introduced his study result about VR use for construction project management. The method to use 3D models for scheduling of a project management was illustrated as well as showing an animation visualizing the building construction and construction process and expressing the construction process from basic to floor, wall and ceiling. It was shown that the enough logical construction and its process would lead to the good vision for BIM use in the future. Moreover the use of VR for evaluating students' creativities working on the urban design project as a new approach was introduced and VR availability as an education tool was impressed here as well.
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