Virtual Design World Cup The 1st Student BIM&VR Design Contest on Cloud
The 3rd Workshop report (Posted on July 27th, 2011)
>> The 1st workshop report >> The 2nd workshop report >> The 3rd workshop report |
Virtual Design World Cup World cup award(Grand prix)of 1million JPY!
The 1st Student BIM&VR Design Contest on cloud Services
~ Compete on cloud using BIM and VR to design advanced construction and
civil engineering model! ~
Theme 2011 " SHIBUYA Bridge " Pedestrian bridge design ~ A new device in
urban space ~
The 3rd workshop report
In the workshop of the last round, it is heading to the stage of the presentation
by cloud and the examination of the way to show upon passing through the
stage to share the work's intention and the concentration of the concept.
It gave big stimulation to the students towards future work.
Date :Friday, July 22, 2011
Location :Forum 8 Tokyo head office seminar room
Number of participants :7 from 2 universities(6 joined the 2rd workshop)
Instructor of workshop :Mr. Hiroo Kasagi, representative of Workshop for
Sustainable Community(Organizing committee)
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1) Greeting, introduction of instructor/Preparation for workshop 9:30~10:00 |
- Greeting from workshop instructor, team organization
First of all, as the purpose and content of workshop in this time, the
last group division and the data created by each were took over and used
as the base, and "how each person is conscious for how to show the
work.. (=Visualization work is conducted.)" was informed by Mr. Kasagi.
As per this, the group division was as follows. He also requested to put
a name on each work for their presentation.
Team A ("Universal" team):4 members / 3 joined the previous workshop
Team B ("Shibuya 8" team):3 members
In the group division, 2 last teams that installed the deck
in the Shibuya Station's east gate were took over as they were. |
"How shall we express so as to deliver work's intention? For that,
we examine by using function of Road. Moreover, the data is unloaded to
Cloud, a script is set up, and a presentation is performed this time. While
checking how data is moved on cloud in order for more effective presentation,
let's aim at learning more of operation method of VR-Cloud(TM)." (Mr.
Kasagi's comment)
- Review of the previous workshop ~, the purpose of the previous work is
shared and reconfirmed within the groups.
>> The 2nd workshop report
Mr. Kasagi explained that as examining how to express, it is required to
be shared for the concept of a work and the intention within a group as
the foundation. The last data was booted in each team. In A team to which
one member was added, "Intentional sharing" work was done, whereas
in B team which consisted of the same members as last time, the "intentional
reconfirmation" work by review was conducted.
"In examination of the way to show, it's not enough to just try to
show your own purpose. So called "possession capability" ,which
means to think from the point of view of stakeholders or the other people,
is needed.", Mr. Kasagi explained. He advised the participant to advance
their plan by recreating various points, such as a user of a commuter bus,
a child's viewpoint, and walking speed. "By containing the viewpoint
of stakeholders ,which falls out from the your intention into the presentation,
your persuasive power goes up. Let's tackle how to show not only the beauty
of formative but your own way of expression."
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2) Examining the way of show" for each team 10:00~11:00 (11:00-11:15 Break) |
Team A (Team "Universal") |
Intentional sharing and examination of a viewpoint
First of all, the member of A team who examines the
viewpoint copied that "Although it would be a problem if it's seen
from the top, but if
it's seen from the bottom, the oppression would be large and it would not
be able to be the landmark."
Moreover, the member who newly joined pointed out the issue to be discussed,
that did not come out last time. Although it is the plan advocating "Universal
Design", the various opinions were considered from the view of various
train line's users, such as "Is the access to the deck only available
for the elevator from the ground and the direct access from Ginza Line?
In case of this plan, we wonder if the previous way to change train was
better. In addition, it was opined that "If we change another lines
by using this deck, people might gather more." Thus it seemed that
a first participating member's opinion had given the fresh viewpoint to
discussion of the group.
On the other hand, Mr.Kasagi advised as follows.
"Is this deck just a flow line , or have another role? The story would
greatly change depending on it. Moreover, direct connection between Hikarie
and the deck is OK, but if the deck is regarded as a flow
line when going away to a town, the meaning would change. "
Concrete discussion of the way to show
The concept of the deck of A team is clarified as "It is treated as
not only mere deck, but commercial establishment like as shown by the presentation
at the time of the 2nd workshop. Therefore the opinion that it would be
most effective to take the way to show fountain and objection, convenience
store, etc one by one under the flight route based on view point which
moves by walk in deck space rather than showing the panoramic view at the
presentation. "Since the concept was solid, I thought it was better.
A scene position is examined first, and I'll try by the method of turning
around the place that I would like to show in flight route. " (students
Team B (Team "SHIBUYA 8") |
Examination of a viewpoint
Since all members of B team participated in the last time, the
share of intention and aggregation of the concept have already finished.
Therefore, while reconfirming it by data boot in last time, immediately
we went into the discussion to the way to show. Mr. Kasagi advised "It
would be interesting if we can explain the originality of the decks shape
by not only design side, but function side.
Furthermore, as for viewpoint in presentation, he also commented, actually,
people will not see from upper position.(Although it is easy to catch up
the unique shape of deck, for instance.
Concrete discussion of the way to show
B team discussed the inquiring point for the way to show, in response to
Mr. Kasagi's comment. The main concept was written on paper and discussed
viewpoint to inform it easily and the setting of flight route.As the result,
the concept was aggregated into the future creation as concept of "SHIBUYA
"8"" which is the concept "dispatch of near future
culture" that Hikarie linked directly symbolizes, and the open symbol
taking over Hachi dog for the waiting place.
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After considering how to show the presentation, the script was set. After
that, the data of each team was unloaded to the server to make a presentation
with VR-Cloud(TM).
"Let's try to use discussion function of VR-Cloud(TM) to write the
comment in the part which serves as the point of landscape in the script.Other
members can reply to that written comment, and keep them as discussion
history." (Mr. Kasagi)
Mr. Kasagi advised "It would be more clear if you expressed in your
own words rather than the simply writing names."
Team A (Team "Universal")
[New landmark with universal design where people gather] |
Presentation with script
(Location of deck :Above the bus terminal, east exit)
- They started to show the overview. The direct connection to the station
was emphasized. They said it would be the entrance of the new landmark.
- They explained the function of "Universal design"that allows
access from bus terminal via elevator.
- The view point moved to the interior part of the deck.
- By flying through every part of the deck from pedestrian's view point,
showing the fountain, convenience store, and statues, they showed the concept
that the deck is not only the place where people pass through, but also
where people gather.
Comment and review
"I was wondering where I should focus while creating the story. When
I create the movie with script, I find that UC-win/Road is very useful
and flexible because it can make various settings. It was difficult to
decide how I should set the view point and speed." (Student 1)
"I learned many things including the setting of the view point, and
how to move the screen while creating the script. It was helpful."(Student
"It was interesting that many ideas raised from the discussion, one
example being how to show them."(Student 3)
"I focused on creating a movie which shows the interior part of the
deck and movie that helps people imagine the story. But I didn't have enough
time.(Student 4)
Team B (Team "SHIBUYA 8")
[New symbol SHIBUYA "8"(Hachiko - Hachi means 8 in Japanese)] |
Presentation with script
(Deck location: Above the bus terminal, east exit)
- They started to show the image of Hikarie = near future.
- They showed "Hachiko", the original idea of the symbol.
- They checked the shape of [SHIBUYA"8"] from the panoramic view.
The feature of the space where people gather and use as the meeting place
was highlighted by the direct connection to the image of the near future,
- They created the bright and open space with daylight to make it look attractive
Comment and review
"It was difficult to decide which point I should focus on. I thought
I needed to show it in a well-balanced manner."(Student 1)
"The basic concept in the first stage needs to be laid down in order
to work effectively in the later stages. Otherwise, the result becomes
unclear by too many ideas. (Student 2)
"It was difficult to decide which view point to set when considering
from which position the scenery should be shown.(Student 3)
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4) Advice and review from Mr. Kasagi 11:45~12:00 |
- Mr. Kasagi reviewed the presentation of each team.
"The participants may now know that UC-win/Road is a tool with great
flexibility. In a way, this flexibility can be a challenge for you. If
you want to use various functions, you will not focus on what you really
want to show. Therefore, the concept, in other words, the simplicity will
be the most important point. Under the time limit, it is better to focus
on what the most important point is for each participant, and add other
elements on it." (Mr. Kasagi)
In addition, he said "A group has many ideas, but if you use all of
them, the works will become too long". And then, he advised "It
will be more clear if you emphasize the feature of each work based on the
focused point."
Finally, Mr. Kasagi mentioned on how to show in the project of city development
as an advice for the students, and closed the final workshop.
"The image of city is made up by assuming how each project works in
the entire project. When the assumption becomes more clear, the image of
the city will have more realism. Then, the deep discussion and study of
the concept is the most important thing, which will win greater persuasive
For the presentation and comment of Team A(Team "Universal"),
he advised on how to show with reality and persuasion. |
For the presentation and comment of Team B(SHIBUYA "8"),
he advised the importance of the focus of the concept. |
If you make an entry to Virtual Design World Cup, you can apply for the
trial seminar, workshop, and rental software which are introduced here.
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