FORUM8 Design Festival2010-3Days |
Lecture overview/Introduction of lecturers |
Wednesday, November 17, 2010 : FORUM8 Design Festival Day1
Stream-1 Civil Design/Analysis Session (Maiogi) |
Special Lecture 1 |
10:00 - 11:30 |
"The latest technology and future in civil engineering. Design criteria,
experiment with large model, and verification example using E-Defense"
Masaaki Yabe Chodai Co., Ltd |
Presentation Outline |
The engineers have less consious for setting down the design criteria in
Japan, though it is the task of the enginners in the overseas project as
well as it is the exciting work enabling the judgement based on actual
information with uncertain factors. He will introduce the relationship
between the design criteria of each structure element and the test result
of large model with the example of road bridges, and the validation example
using E-Defense. |
Lecturer's Profile |
Doctor(Engineer), Professional Engineer(Construction and general technology
administration sector)Committee member of Earthquake engineering association,
Society of Civil Engineers, / Vice chairman of the association of bridge
seismic design method based on the capability, committee member of seismic
design, Japan road association |
Special Lecture 2 |
13:00 - 14:00 |
"Introduction of structural analysis . structure sensitivity "
Hiromichi Yoshikawa Risk management laboratory, Tokyo City University |
Presentation Outline |
Prof. Yoshikawa will introduce amusingness of numeric simulation with the
case examples for the effect (structure sensitivity) of input parameters
in structure analysis. |
Lecturer's Profile |
Earthquake engineering association, Society of civil engineers: Chairman
of the seismic risk management and continuity association |
Special Lecture 3 |
14:00 - 14:45 |
"Case studies of examining and analyzing seismic capacity of river structures
using FRAME3D"
Makoto Kanai Oyo Technology Co., Ltd |
Presentation Outline |
Mr. Kanai will introduce the analysis examples of the existing or new river
construction in accordance to the seismic checking guideline of river structures
(Provisional) and the adjunct explanatory. |
Lecturer's Profile |
Analysis project department, Oyo Technology Co., Ltd |
Special Lecture 4 |
15:00 - 15:45 |
"Seismic verification based on seismic deformation method for the large-scale
drainage pumping station using Engineer's Studio, UWLC"
Haruhiro Hori Sanyu Consultants Inc. |
Presentation Outline |
A large-scale drainage pumping station is too complex to represent the
rigidity of building frame in the seismic qualification check by 2D frame
analysis. Mr. Hori will introduce the seismic qualification check using
the elasto-plastic model with laminated plate whose rigidity is modeled
in 3D and UWLC. |
Lecturer's Profile |
Professional Engineer(Construction and steel structure, concrete sector) |
Special Lecture 5 |
15:45 - 16:30 |
"The latest function of geotechnical analysis series and the new banking
method guideline"
Keizo Ukai Professor, Gunma University |
Presentation Outline |
Prof. Ugai will introduce the case example of the collapse of large slope
and deep layer caused by earthquake, the result of dynamic FEM analysis,
the new technology of 3DVR simulation for rock slope collapse. |
Lecturer's Profile |
Chairman of the Japan Landslide Society(2010,2011) |
Special Lecture 6 |
16:30 - 17:15 |
"Stability analysis of retaining wall placed in landslide area with soft
rock .stability analysis using static FEM"
Toshihiro Hanada President, Bulld Geotechno Co.,Ltd. |
Presentation Outline |
Mr. Hanada will introduce the stability check using FEM with the example
of the concrete retaining wall to be placed in the slope failure area of
the soft rock ground in Fukuoka. |
Lecturer's Profile |
Professional Engineer(Construction and general technology administration
sector), He currently works as a grading desinger(earth structure, retaining
wall) with twenty years of experience in the bulldozer. |
Presentation 1 |
11:30 - 12:00 |
"Report of E-Defense blind analysis competition and introduction of the
latest function of UC-win/FRAME(3D)¥Engineer's Studio."
Analysis support team, Technical support group, FORUM8 |
Presentation Outline |
Kai will introduce the latest functions of UC-win/FRAME(3D) and Engineering
Studio. which led to the 1st prize of the E-Defense blind analysis contes
two years in a row. |
Presentation 2 |
17:15 - 17:30 |
"The latest function of geotechnical analysis series and the new banking
method guideline"
Atsushi Nakamura, UC-1 Development Group1, FORUM8 |
Presentation Outline |
Nakamura will present the GeoFEAS 3D, Rock fall simulation, the revised
contents of " Guideline for embankment construction", and the compliance
in the slope stability calculation and VG Flow 2D) |
Stream-2 Architecture¥BIM Session (Hanautage) |
Special Lecture 7 |
13:00 - 14:00 |
"EXODUS : The Latest in Evacuation Modelling"
Ed Galea FSEG (Fire Safety Engineering Group), University of Greenwich,
UK |
Presentation Outline |
Prof. Galea will introduce the latest developments in the field of evacuation
modeling. EXODUS is capable of modeling evacuations in buildings, ships,
airplanes and trains.
Moreover, his SMARTFIRE software program can simulate smoke and heat distribution,
which are also fatal factors in fire. He will let us know this year, what
his latest findings are and the latest additions to his software programs. |
Lecturer's Profile |
Prof. Galea is the founding director of the Fire Safety Engineering Group
at the University of Greenwich and he developed the highlyaccurate, market-leading
evacuation modeling software, EXODUS.
In 2006, FSEG and FORUM8 agreed on a partnership and the link between UC-win/Road
and EXODUS was developed. |
Special Lecture 8 |
14:00 - 14:45 |
"Evacuation guidance system, SWGS-light stirage type"
Yukio Ota NPO Sign Center |
Presentation Outline |
Mr. Ota is experienced in establishing the domestic and international standards
of evacuation guide system during the occurrence of disasters for thirty
years. He established the original idea of JIS of evacuation guiding system
by the phosphorescence line. He will introduce the latest results. He will
also introduce the world leading prototype of a secure evacuation guide
during disaster without changing the usual interior. |
Lecturer's Profile |
Administrative director of NPO sign center, past master of Japan society
for science of signs, Symbol mark design and emergency exit sign design
of Ministry of Economy and Public Works and Services. Book" Pictogram
design" |
Special Lecture 9 |
15:00 - 15:45 |
"Build Live Tokyo 2010 (BLT2010) and the latest information of BIM"
Junichi Yamashita IAI Japan |
Presentation Outline |
BLT2010 is the virtual live design competition that is opened via internet
in real time how the collaborated teams work BIM. They perform analysis,
simulation, and presentation after creation of 3D model in 48 hours for
the working-level class, 96 hours for students. |
Lecturer's Profile |
President, CI Labo Co.,Ltd., IAI Japan Chapter Vice Chair, C-CADEC:Construction-CAD
Data Exchange Consortium chair, Standardization of Construction Information
Committee member.
Yamashita is involved in the creation of IFC for 3 dimensional building
model for years and is making the international standards of electronic
tender as a project leader of UN/CEFACTof United Nations Economic Commission
for Europe. Vice chair of TBG6. |
Presentation 3 |
15:45 - 16:30 |
"BuildLive TOKYO 2010"
Jun Imaizumi, VR-support Group, FOROUM8 |
Presentation Outline |
Imaizumi will introduce the result of team F8W16 who joined in BLT2010
for 48 hours on October 13-15 including the latest BIM&VR solution
using UC-win/Road and Allplan. |
Presentation Outline |
He will introduce the case study of evacuation behavior analysis, and the
crowd behavior analysis. |
Presentation 4 |
16:30 - 17:15 |
"New functions of AllPlan"
"New functions of AllPlan" |
Presentation Outline |
Masaharu Taguchi, BIM team, FORUM8 He will introduce the new function of
BIM software, Allplan. |
"Design Builder"
Naoki Endo, Technical support group , FORUM8 |
Presentation Outline |
He will introduce the functions which support for environmental simulation
and energy saving design. |
Presentation 5 |
17:15 - 17:30 |
"UC-1 architecture design solutions"
Ichiro Matsuura, UC-1 Development Group3, FORUM8 |
Presentation Outline |
He will introduce the UC-1 series, architecture design solution. (Architecture
pile foundation / Basement car parking) |
Stream-3 Hydraulic Engineering Session (Hanashirabe) |
Special Lecture 10 |
13:00 - 14:45 |
"The latest rainstorm disaster and the future development of the flood
inundation analysis technologies"
Yosihisa Kawahara Hiroshima University Graduate School |
Presentation Outline |
Prof. Kawahara will introduce the recent disaster caused by heavy rain
and point out the tasks occurred in the disaster. He will also present
the research contents (use of laser profiler data, representation of urban
structure) of flood analysis method (outer/ inner water) which serves the
main method while building design and hazard map creation with his idea
for the future development. |
Lecturer's Profile |
Specialty area: Hydraulics, river engineering Research theme: Flood control
measures of basin, maintenance studies of ecological environment |
Special Lecture 11 |
13:00 - 14:45 |
"Evaluating microorganism contamination by combining the result of urban
flood analysis and water quality test"
Hiroaki Furumai Research Center for Water Environment, Department of Urban
Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo |
Presentation Outline |
It is expected that the lakes in city of Hanoi have the restraint efficacy
to washout in heavy rain. Prof. Furumai will introduce the result of water
quality monitoring including the indicator of pathogenic microbe in fine
weather/raining. He will also evaluate the functions of drainage and rainwater
storage of the lake and introduce the result of microbial pollution with
seepage analysis. |
Lecturer's Profile |
Specialty area: Urban environmental engineer Research area: Urban storm
management |
Special Lecture 12 |
15:00 - 17:30 |
"Risk management of rainwater drainage and flood in the urban area"
Masaru Morita Shibaura Institute of Technology |
Presentation Outline |
Prof. Morita will clarify the existance value of swmm in urban rainwater
drainage. The entire frame of flood risk management is presented by the
quantification of flood risk by integrating the flood model and flood damage
calculation model. |
Lecturer's Profile |
Professor, Shibaura Institute of Technology. Majoring in hydrology of city
and underground water |
Special Lecture 13 |
15:00 - 17:30 |
"Utilization of runoff analysis model"
Ishikawa Takateru Water Environment Construction Club |
Presentation Outline |
The utilization of 1d/2d model for the provision of record rain occurred
in these days and flood risk reduction is discussed. A panel discussion
will be held for the basic of runoff analysis and the applied scope of
model with worldwide leaders of rain issues, three professors and users
of xp-swmm. |
Lecturer's Profile |
Water Environment Construction Club Commissioner of Nihon suiko sekkei
Co., Ltd
" Utilization manual of runoff analysis model " (Issued in 1999) Secretary-general
"Guideline of inner water hazard map creation" (Issued in 2006) Commissioner |
Presentation 7 |
15:00 - 17:30 |
"Challenges in 1d/2d Integrated Modeling (Case studies using xpswmm2d)"
Ashis Dey Principal XP-software Pty Ltd. |
Presentation Outline |
Dr. Principal will introduce increasingly popular overseas trends of the
integrated flood model and the research of flood risk management. |
Presentation 8 |
15:00 - 17:30 |
"Analysis of hydraulic design series and UC-win/Road for xpswmm"
Makoto Hada, UC-1 Development Group, FORUM8 |
Presentation Outline |
Hada will present on the development concept and utilization of UC-win/Road
for xpswmm which enables visualization of the flood analysis result in
VR. He will explain the acknowledgement and implementation of flood risk
by improved quality and amount of the hazard map in next generation using
VR. He will also explain the visualization of tsunami analysis result by
UC-win/Road for Tsunami. |
Thursday, Novermber 18th, 2010 : FORUM8 Design Festival Day2
The 11th UC-win/Road Conference Main session (Maiogi) |
Special Lecture 1 |
13:00 - 14:00 |
"Uses of UC-Win/Road in a 3D simulation software for training Road and
Tunnels operators"
Philippe Marsaud Technical Director, BMIA |
Presentation Outline |
Mr. Marsaud has developed a software program for training tunnel operators
He will introduce his software program for training tunnel operators and
the reasons for using simulators for training. He will also teach us how
tunnels are operated and tell us what he envisages in the area of tunnel
operation in the future. |
Lecturer's Profile |
Technical Director of BMIA, France. |
Special Lecture 2 |
14:00 - 14:30 |
"Traffic studies considering the aspect of traffic users"
Lee Dongmin Korea Transport Institute(KOTI) |
Presentation Outline |
Mr. Lee Dong min will lecture on the need to utilize VR technology as an
effective method in the investigation and analysis of traffic users. |
Lecturer's Profile |
Specialty area: Road design, traffic safety and human factor |
Special Lecture 3 |
14:30 - 15:00 |
"Energy analysis and reduction in the built environment : the case for
BIM and visualisation technologies"
Nashwan Dawood Teesside University |
Lecturer's Profile |
Prof. Dawood is currently the director of the Centre for Construction Research
and Innovation at the University of Teesside and he has an extensive experience
in the field of project and construction management and the application
of IT in the construction process. This has ranged across a number of research
topics including sustainability, Information Technologies and Systems (4D,VR,Integrated
databases). |
Special Lecture 4 |
15:15 - 15:55 |
"The growth of the 3D visualisation Market in USA"
Michael Manore TRB Visualization in Transportation Committee, FORUM8 advisor |
Presentation Outline |
Mr. Manore will introduce the case studies of a various projects including
the federal road bureau based on his experience. He will also explain the
current traffic visualization technology research status and the future
vision. |
Lecturer's Profile |
Chair of the TRB Visualization in Transportation Committee, Cochair of
the Road Safety Simulation Steering Committee, Chair of the International
Human Factors Guideline for Road System Design, FORUM8 Consultant |
Special Lecture 5 |
15:55 - 16:40 |
"Modeling using data measured by MMS for maintenance management"
Keiichi Nishikawa Mitsubishi Electric Corporation |
Presentation Outline |
It is important to trace the interannual change for the operation and maintenance.
Mr.Nishikawa will present the modeling method which allows the interannual
change resulted from the data measured by MMS. He will also explain the
deformation calculation of the tunnel as a case example. |
Lecturer's Profile |
RFID¥LBS system engineering center, electric system departement, Mitsubishi
electric corporation |
Presentation 1 |
10:30 - 12:00 |
"Current condition of development and future expansion of UC-win/Road
and VR-Studio."
Yuji Ito, FORUM8 CEO / Katsumi Matsuda, System Sales Group, FORUM8 / Pencreach
Yoann, UC-win/Road Group, FORUM8 / Alistair Ward, Senior engineer, FORUM8
NZ |
Presentation Outline |
FORUM8 will explain and demonstrate the new functions of UC-win/Road 5,
Cloud project with the METI, point-cloud modeling, 3D scan service, UCwin/
Road for RoboCarR, the future development of UC-win/Road Ver.6 and VR solutions. |
Presentation 2 |
16:40 - 17:00 |
"UC-win/Road Point-cloud plugin/12d Model"
Isamu Okaki, System Development Group, FORUM8 |
Presentation Outline |
Okaki will present the point cloud data plugin and 12d model plugin with
the demonstration. |
The 11th UC-win/Road Conference Driving simulator session (Hanautage) |
Special Lecture 6 |
13:00 - 14:00 |
"Utilization of driving simulator for detecting driver's condition"
Muneo Yamada Meijo University |
Presentation Outline |
Mr. Yamada will introduce the approach of his laboratory for the evaluation
system development with driving support system and DS. He will present
the technology of wake-promoting to the fatigue condition by the fragrance
and the driving capability evaluation. |
Lecturer's Profile |
Associated professor, Meijo University |
Special Lecture 7 |
14:00 - 15:00 |
"Research to define driving simulator performance and vehicle dynamics
fidelity requirements for training driving skills"
William L. Curtice VSAT, USA (Virtual Simulation & Training Inc.) |
Presentation Outline |
VSAT (Virtual Simulation and Training) is a specialist in virtual simulators
used in training. VSAT covers every aspect of training simulators . from
military to driver training. Mr. Curtis will share with us his expertise
in driving simulators used in training and the need for high quality vehicle
dynamics in training simulators. |
Lecturer's Profile |
He entered VSAT after 37 years of training system development in the US
air force. He is currently developing the virtual simulation and training
system as the vice president for development. |
Special Lecture 8 |
15:55 - 16:40 |
"RoboCarR and VR which accelerate the research and development of next
generation mobility, EV"
Yoko Imanishi ZMP INC. |
Presentation Outline |
Lately, the spread of electronic vehicle and the robotization have been
rapidly progressed, and RoboCar series provide the development environment
where a variety of ideas can be verified.
Ms. Imanishi will introduce the solution of ZMP including the 1/10 sized
of the actual vehicle, car robotics platform "RoboCar 1/10" used in more
than 70 companies and academic institutions and the new "RoboCar Micro
EV" in actual sized vehicle, and the linkage with VR. |
Lecturer's Profile |
Department of New project, ZMP Inc. |
Presentation 3 |
15:15 - 15:55 |
"UC-win/Road Ver.5 DrivingSIM functions"
Pencreach Yoann, UC-win/Road Group, FORUM8 |
Presentation Outline |
He will explain the overview of driving simulation and introduce the improvement
of the latest vehicle moving model, the linkage with other DS software,
and the motion platform. |
Presentation 4 |
16:40 - 17:00 |
"Current condition of robot development . UC-win/Road for RoboCarR"
Hafid Niniss, System Development Group, FORUM8 |
Presentation Outline |
He will introduce the VR simulation system with the linkage of UC-win/Road
and the world first car robotics platform" RoboCarR" and the linkage
with AR (virtual reality) technology. |
The 4th International VR Symposium World16 Presentations (Yumeogi) |
World16 - 01 |
10:40 - 11:00 |
Thomas Tucker College of Arts and Sciences Winston-Salem State University,
"The Al Bastakiya Cultural Quarter" |
Presentation Outline |
Mr. Tucker will present the representatio of Al Bastakiya Cultural Quarter
in Dubai's historic area. He will build and integrate 3D models. |
World16 - 02 |
11:00 - 11:20 |
"Using UC-win/Road to support public engagement and participatory
design on major city-building projects"
Michael Jemtrud/Heather Braiden McGill University, Canada |
Presentation Outline |
Mr. Jemtrud and Ms. Braiden will use UC-win/Road as part of a larger public
design study, Integrated Dissemination Forums for Architecture and Urban
Design. |
World16 - 03 |
11:20 - 11:40 |
"VR applications in project management: scheduling and reporting"
Wael Abdelhameed University of Bahrain, Bahrain |
Presentation Outline |
Mr. Abdellhameed will introduce the project management monitoring for a
building construction process using micro simulation player. |
World16 - 04 |
11:40 - 12:00 |
"Development of optimizing system from 3D laser scanner data to VR
for urban design study"
Tomohiro Fukuda Osaka University, Japan |
Presentation Outline |
Mr. Fukuda will introduce the development of the geometrically-based optimizing
system for use 3D laser scanner data in UC-win/Road. |
World16 - 05 |
13:00 - 13:20 |
"Virtual downtown Santiago: 1810-1910-2010"
Claudio Labarca/ Rodrigo Culagovski Pontifical Catholic University, Chile |
Presentation Outline |
Mr. Labarca and Culagovski will propose a visualization of the historical
and morphological changes that have occurred within Santiago's foundational
city blocks. |
World16 - 06 |
13:20 - 13:40 |
"Isovist Analysis Realized through Point Cloud Visualization in UC-win/Road"
Matthew Swarts Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
Presentation Outline |
Mr. Swarts will present the utilization of spatial amount in store design
and the spatial analysis function including visualization environmental
elements in GIS. |
World16 - 07 |
13:40 - 14:00 |
"About interaction between pedestrians and traffic flow"
Paolo Fiamma University of Pisa, Italy |
Presentation Outline |
Mr. Fiamma will present the public car parking that the Municipalities
of Pisa has recently built in the south side of the ancient town. |
World16 - 08 |
14:00 - 14:20 |
"Media field navigation"
Marcos Novak University of California, Santa Barbara, USA |
Presentation Outline |
Mr. Noavk will present the development of plug-in which allows the linkage
of external application with UC-win/Road without the knowledge of Delphi. |
World16 - 09 |
14:20 - 14:40 |
"Interactive device"
Taro Narahara New Jersey Institute of Technology,USA |
Presentation Outline |
Mr. Narahara will present the improvement of the interface between UC-win/Road
and a physical environment and the production of a platform that can promote
collective production by multiple designers. |
World16 - 10 |
14:40 - 15:00 |
"RGU new car park and Dee Bridge decongestion"
Amar Bennadji Robert Gordon University, UK |
Presentation Outline |
Mr. Bennadji will present the project for the problems of traffic congestion
pollution caused by relocating the campus of Robert Gordon University and
the creation of a new car park. |
World16 - 11 |
15:15 - 15:35 |
"Personal informatics: Life paths"
Kostas Terzidis Harvard University, USA |
Presentation Outline |
Mr. Terzidis will explain the representation of personal memories using
VR. The research theme of SNS based on the positional information will
be presented. |
Representative of W16 |
15:35-15:55 |
"City Design Generation without Scripting"
Yoshihiko Kobayashi Prism Lab / Arizona State University, USA |
Presentation Outline |
Mr. Kobayashi will present the development of a computational design tool
for automatic city generation. The created urban model will be presented. |